GUARDING YOUR HEART ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez


As a Christian, as a child of God, you have a responsibility to guard your heart. See, God gives us choices, but we have to be aware, there is an enemy, and if he can get your heart “distracted” or dull, or not listening to God, as I wrote in my last post, you can be deceived. You can miss it. And thereby miss Gods promises, and even blessings.

And thats his goal, the enemy, wants you to be frivolous when it comes to your salvation. The enemy wants you to be off guard, and to allow things, or spirits in your heart, that can distract you again, and so you could lose your crown. Thats always the goal of the enemy.

Yes, Christ tells us, that we are more than conquerors, through Him that love us… But look real close. It does not mention that you can separate yourself from God. But we can and thats the goal of the enemy. We can separate ourselves from God. If we are not guarding our hearts. Look at this KING JAMES verse. It tells us everything that cannot separate us.

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭37‬-‭39‬ ‭KJV

‬‬But you have to smart in these matters. Wise. Yes take this beautiful promise to heart. But the only thing that can separate you from the love of God, is yourself.

And you have to know that, thats why you have to guard your heart. ❤️

The Lord dropped that in my heart, just a few minutes ago, and I felt the sense to write about it, before I myself would get distracted with doing things, chores, etc. So I came to my computer. To write.

But it was as if God was speaking to me, at a regular time, that I seem to talk to HIM as well, and I was thinking of something else. Someone else. I was thinking of something I have been dealing with on and off, for a few years. Concerning people I cared about. But there was betrayals. There was hurt, and there was silence. And long story short, God is healing me. Given me wisdom in this matter. And I obeyed God. I walked away. For God is giving me discernment. But it was as if HE told me stop thinking about it. Let it go. Stop thinking about them. Guard your heart.

And it made me think, how distractions can get in the way, of our fellowship with God, and I am reminded God is a jealous God.

Folks, I want to get real deep with you now for your own understanding. But do you allow any distractions to get in the way, of your fellowship with God? Or your trust? Or do you allow your “heart” to have its way? That is wrong. Especially when you hear someone say, follow your heart….

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 17:9-10 King James.

God searches our hearts friends, as this King James verse states. And we have to be careful what we allow in it. What we think about. What we ponder on, what we see, what we hear, or speak.

Out of the abundance of the heart we speak. What are you speaking? Saying about yourself, or others? What are you thinking? Because this affects the heart.

I know this is deep but we have a responsibility to guard our hearts, because God knows…. And when I think of that, I do get the fear, of God. I do get a sense to watch and guard my heart. Tell me what you think? Do you understand this?

“O generation of vipers, how can ye being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Matthew 12:34 King James.

I just got a sense, and call it hearing the voice of God by the Holy Spirit, that I need to guard my heart. I have had so many wounds in my life, and I am not trying to get sympathy from anyone, but I know me. I know what I have experienced, from people, and situations, that have wounded me, and all I really want to do now is be healthy in spirit, and also physically. For by Christs stripes I am healed.

But I think because of who I am. I know I am a caring loving person, a loyal person. A person, who would do anything I could for those I loved, but I have learned, not everybody thinks like this, or puts those kind of things into motion….but it was God who put that in me, not anybody else. So I don’t regret that.

What I regret is that I did not know how to guard my heart. But I do now….So I am not going to waste my time, I am going to guard my heart.

I hope this blesses you too.

Much love, Elena

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