THE SIN OF HUSTLING TO DECEIVE ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

I believe its a sin, when one is hustling to deceive.

The definition of hustle states: a person who hustles: such as one who obtains money by fraud or deceit.

I don’t know about you, but I do see it often, and the sad thing is I see it in businesses, or people, who are reputable businesses, but they seem to practice that kind of manipulation.

And it is manipulation, when you try to change facts, or circumstances, to fit your narrative, to deceive someone else. Did you know that manipulation is like witchcraft in the sight of God?


When I was growing up, a hustler, had more of an honorable reputation. In the sense, you would consider a hustler, as someone, who might be questionable, but actually was someone, who really took care of business, and got things done. Quickly….

But, lately, and I see it often, in other walks of life, those that hustle, but there is no accountability. No honesty, no sense to present things honest in the sight of God and man.

I am a truth seeker. I actually respect truth, and when I don’t see it, I try to get answers. I know truth sometimes can hurt, but it is like a pimple or an infected sore, when truth is presented, it cleans it. So I know the benefits of truth. And I always try to encourage it in myself, and yes with others.

And I guess I am really trying to get to the root of why we see deception, with hustlers. We see, no good communication, to really bring truth to people.

But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Hebrews 13:16 King James.

If anything we see those who lie, or try to manipulate even facts or truth, to suit their purposes.

My example recently is with a bill we got. And I won’t go into all the details, but when we had an opportunity with this business, they took advantage of us the customer, and added something extra to the service. The service, was not really needed, but they manipulated the situation, to force someone to pay more. And we noticed that, after they did what they did, but they still managed to put a cost in their service, that made the cost higher.

We paid our bill, and thought that was the last of it. But ten months later, we get a bill from them, and they were asking for further funds. Apparently, the insurance we had, did not cover the expenses, they tried to be compensated for, so they came back to us, the clients.

Now, I guess, I would have considered, that if they had been honest. But all they sent was a statement or a bill, that had no itemized information, to explain, what we were being charged for, but just a dollar amount, that made no sense. Especially, because we had paid our bill in good faith. But their statement said pay up…. We were being hustled.

Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds. Colossians 3:9 King James.

So, we took our documentation, our bills, our paid statements, our proof of information to them to try and settle this, and all we got was the run around. No accountability. No remorse. No apologies, and nothing that really made sense.

In other words, with everything we have seen even prior to this, we felt like we have been hustled.

And I guess the reason, I am even writing this, is because we do seem to see this often in society. I guess, I am old school. Honesty is the best policy. Be honest with those who ask for truth, and if you see the error in consideration to your own actions, apologize. Not only apologize, but try and make things right.

I am always aware of the principle, you reap what you sow. I don’t want to sow curses in my life. I don’t want to sow something that would hurt me, or my loved ones, even financially, by trying to manipulate or add something on later, that would deceive someone. I don’t want the fruit of that in my life, because not only would it hurt my soul, it hurts others, and thats not who I am.

Have you ever bought a bag of potato chips, and got a bag of air? Thats manipulation, thats a hustle, to present a nice size bag that is not full with potato chips but just air…. and thats just one example. Thats dishonest.

For, we did not get honesty. And its kind of frustrating, just in general, because this is the norm, in many situations, and in other examples of life. People are not accountable. They don’t take responsibility for their actions.

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. Psalm 37:1 King James.

So, even though it is frustrating to see, we are called not to fret about evil doers. And I don’t envy anyone who “hustles” others or manipulates them to get their way. But they do teach you something. Don’t trust anybody. And don’t do what they do. If anything walk away.

Envy Not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways. Proverbs 3:31 King James.

Look, I don’t know who my audience is in this post. But I implore you, don’t cut corners with yourself, or with others. Be honest, be accountable. Be someone who actually takes responsibility, for your actions, or your business, and make it right for yourself and the people involved.

I know God sees, and I know that you might even have an opportunity to take advantage of someone. But don’t do that. Don’t reap that kind curse, even in small matters. Be honest.

I will never forget this particular situation I am talking about, because it was obvious, we were hustled in this.

They may think they got away with it, and well I won’t say its done and over….but I know God sees, and they did not get away with it. He hears, and sees everything. And we may or may not see justice in this matter. But I trust God. I don’t really trust people any more. And for me that is kind of sad, because I do like to look for the good, but when you have been burned, you learn.

For a lot of reasons. But I do trust God.

Vengeance is mine, says God, and well I have seen HIM bring justice for me….

Oh well, just venting. Another word for hustlers, cheaters….

Elena Ramirez

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