A testimony, is a very powerful thing.  It impacts someone, when they hear something, so profound, that they look within, and they wonder.  It makes them search themselves, and they search the information.  To question or to be in awe.  To believe, or not to believe.  God made us that way.  Especially, when the testimonies are related to God.  God is a mystery.  I think we have the desire to know God, and we want to see what works.  And so when someone hears something so profound, that it could only be deemed a miracle, from a testimony.  It resonates in the heart, and someone remembers.  Especially, if the miracle or blessing sounds like it could be attainable.

The scripture above, tells us, we can overcome the enemy, God’s enemy by our testimony, and by the blood of the lamb.  Christ is that lamb.  The enemy, does not want God to get glory.  From the beginning, he tried to raise himself up.  God had nothing to do with that, and kicked him out of heaven.  God does not need us to fight his battles.  But if we love God, we want to glorify him.  I want to glorify God.  With praise, with honor.  I am so grateful for my salvation, and so much more….

My goal in this ministry from the beginning is to bring glory to God, inspire his children, and speak a word of truth to the lost.  So, I always try to write things that will do that, they will first bring glory to God.  God has been so very good to me.  All through my life, I can look back, here and there, and I think.  You know, that must have been God.   He must have worked that out, for me.  He must have protected me.  He must have sent that blessing, here and there.  He must have known….So many, “He did, this or that.”  That I cannot even document all he has done.

It just makes me wonder, to know, that as Christians, you probably could relate in this too.  You see God’s hand working in your life.  You sense and know, and feel the goodness of God.   In some way or another.  Maybe you have not articulated the thought, or maybe you have, but it is gone.  You said, what you did, and as you think in retrospect, that was a miracle.

Well, funny how God can speak to us through the Holy spirit.  And just yesterday, I wrote my blog, on a testimony of how I got a healing, and I sent it out, and a gentleman, who has been on my mailing list, sent me a testimony of his own healing.  And as I read it, I felt the sweet prompting from God, that I needed to make a blog for only testimonies. Testimonies to the glory of God. It wasn’t demanding, but it was God asking me to do that for him.

And immediately, I said yes….We need to say yes to God.  So, I implore you, whoever you are.  To consider sending me your testimony.  Send me a photo, of who are, or the place, or whoever you are writing a testimony about.  I am asking you….but more than anything God is asking you to share your testimony.  It could be about your salvation, or a miracle of healing, or just how you met your true love, but it was all somehow, related to God.  And you know that…..

I will post it on my new blog….Testimonies that give glory to God.

I have already gotten two testimonies.  And posted them.  So please feel free to go to the blog, and share this with others as well.  We all need to see, the power of God.  For you see, no one is exempt, from needing God.  And as my friend Barbara Philbrook wrote, in her testimony, she could not even begin to understand, or fathom, how someone can go through something tragic, or hard without God.  We all need God.  These testimonies, will remind us to draw close to God.

I want you to consider this, we live in a world, that does not know God.  You see it in the media, you see it, in communications, in politics, in government etc.  Our world, our society, shuns the things of God.  And it just makes me think…What are we as Christians going to do about it?  I am not asking anyone to be radical, or to offend anyone, or be a pain to anyone.  But, never be ashamed of who you are in Christ.  If you have given your heart, to Christ, you know the difference.  I think, the only thing, God would want you to do, or anyone of us, is to share what he has done.  As a testimony.  It goes, hand in hand, with sharing the gospel, throughout the earth.  If you love God, then tell others.  Let me post your testimonies.  So others can know.  Maybe, your testimony, will bring them to know truth, the truth, that can only be God…..

Blessings, Just my Thoughts….

A Prayer of Hope….

Father, my Lord, may all glory, and honor be yours.  I pray, your children will heed this, and be obedient, and submit their testimonies.  For your glory, honor, and praise.  Father, thank you, with all my heart.  Thank you for everything you have done.  My life is a testimony of your goodness, and I pray, to bless you, by expressing this as well.  In Jesus name,  Amen

Elena Ramirez

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In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

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You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.

I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

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and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!