
So I have a strange dilemma. I have a neighbor, who is not always nice to me. In fact, I think I downright annoy her. She is short with me, and barely says hello. And well, I could react with that in return. But I try, I always try. To be nice, friendly, and kind.

I have noticed the last few times, when they go on vacation, they have not requested, or asked for us to water their flowers. I kind of think she thinks, I will just do it, but then when they come home, she really does not thank me, or us. But her flowers are alive.

So, they just took off yesterday, hubby was outside when they left. He asked as they loaded their trailer, and boat, how long they would be gone? They said Thursday. He said he asked, because that would have been a great time, to say hey, can you watch the house? Can you water our flowers. That was his way of trying to get a courtesy. But no, nothing was asked.

So common sense told me don’t water her flowers. And I feel like sure, I could let the flowers die, but what good would it do? It might teach her a lesson, to communicate, but by then the relationship we have would be at a worse strain. I could be that person and just look the other way. But thats not who I am.

So I have this saying on my wall. And I am praying for guidance, and I think, what would Christ do? And it came to me, water the flowers. Why? Because I see those flowers every day, out my window. I don’t have the heart to look at something and let it die, if I can save it.

Just like Christ, I want to save people. He is my example. Maybe thats why I am always reminding all of us to repent. To know, that we have to clean the slate with Christ. Maybe thats why, because love does things that don’t always seem like the right choice. But do we not know, Gods ways are not our ways?

I am not going to tell her I watered them. I am not asking for thanks. But I am going to just try and do things that love requires, that is not always the norm. I am not going to ask her to ask me to water her flowers. If she cannot see the error of her own ways, thats between her and God. In just being a courteous neighbor. You can’t make people do anything. But I can pray, and I pray God bless them.

Oh well. I may not see the fruit of it in others lives. But I can look out my window, and see those flowers are alive. Because I love, and love makes all things grow.  

In Christ, Elena Ramirez


I sense the Lord is giving me a word, to the Christian, who believes, yet lies.  You know lying, is a characteristic of the devil.  And when one lies, in any way, they are taking on the characteristic of the devil, whom God hates.

God gave us His word, to help our lives, to guide us, to instruct us, to command us, to do things His way.  And when we know the truth, and yet choose to give place to the devil, well, we are setting ourselves up.  For curses, for problems, for Gods protection to depart, and so much more.

Because first of all, God is holy, and He calls us unto holiness.  When a Christian lies to another Christian, I don’t think this person realizes, what the Holy Spirit sees.  It grieves, the Holy spirit.  And we all are walking, at different, places, in our Christian walk.  Some are stronger, and some have gotten to a place, where love is evident, or whatever.  We are all growing on the vine, so to speak.  For Christ is the vine, we are the branches.  But when a Christian lies, they are really subjecting themselves, to harsh judgment.

Ephesians 4:25-32 King James, really puts it into a good perspective.

Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.  

(We are called to speak truth to each other, because of Christ, we are linked together, in the spirit) Be ye angry, and sin not, let not the sun go down upon your wrath.  Neither give place to the devil.  (When you lie, you are giving place to the devil.)

Let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.  

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, (lying is corrupt communication) but that which is good to the use of the edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.  And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. (God sees and he is not pleased by that)

Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.  Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.  (Put it away)

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christs sake hath forgiven you.  

In the spirit of the conclusion, God has given me.  To understand, as I share with you….I would go to God, I would repent.  I would see the error of my ways, and I would not want to give place to the devil.  I would not want to offend God.

You know, I see so many broken people, in our society, in our world, and you, and I both know, that lying, has not been something that our society, has really tried to implement in people, to do good, or for their best.  It is just not taught.

But God teaches us.  And His ways, by Jesus Christ, is the only way.  Christ is the way, the truth and life.  John 14:6 And if we want to begin living a better life, sometimes, we have to start with whats really within.  What do we communicate.  It is sad, to see, that a Christian, let alone, a person, who does not know Christ lie.

Even here, to whoever my reader is, go to God, repent, ask him to take that spirit of lying away.  Make him your Lord, and savior through Christ.  Ask him, into your heart, do not give place to the devil.

Know this, when you do lie, you are opening yourself up.  To lose blessings, opportunities, and so much more.  Curses can come in, for we reap what we sow.

Dear one, if you have lied, I would literally take that scripture of Ephesians 4:25 and I would go to that Christian, and tell that Christian the truth.  Especially, if you have lied to another Christian.  Even if you did not mean it.  You still lied.  Sometimes, we have to do things, that prove, we are serious.

Now this is between you, and God, but speaking truth, opens the door, to God, again.  Not lying.  I just feel in my heart, God is trying to correct you.  He wants to bless you, but He wants to see you do that which is right in His sight.

I hope you go to His word daily, but check out Ephesian 4 right now, and let it minister to your heart, and turn away from the evil.  Turn to God.  So you won’t be tossed around, anymore, like this same scripture talks about.

Start now….before it is too late.  I tell you this in His love.  Because His love heals, blesses, and makes us complete.  When we see it, we are changed.  Forever more.  And by that we realize, how precious, our Salvation, how precious, the suffering of Christ is for us.  Because He loves us.  Let not your acceptance be in vain, by giving into the lying.  Turn from it and turn to God.

Blessings, and much love, Just my Thoughts,

Elena Ramirez

A Prayer of Hope and Honor,

Father, obedient, I have written this.  May it minister to your children, to all of us.  So that we would be aware, of the consequences of our sins, of lying, for it truly is a characteristic of the devil.  I give no place to him, even here I submit to you, for your love, and protection, to cover me by the blood of Jesus.  I hate the things you hate, and I love that which you love.  Help this Christian, who has lied, and lies, to put off that ugly spirit, and to submit to you.  Help us all, and if that Christian wrote to me, or called me, I would forgive, for you have forgiven me all of my sins.  I would walk in love.  It is so important, Lord, I see it.  Thank you, In Jesus name. The precious name of our Lord, that suffered for my sins.  Thank you.  Amen​/Elena-RamirezJust-My-Thoughts​Christian-Author-Inspirational​-Speaker/114977635248622?ref=t​s

Please check out my page, and “like” it, to receive my updates, thoughts, and inspiration….

God bless you, as you share this, and share LOVE……

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Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.

I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

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Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

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and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!




A testimony, is a very powerful thing.  It impacts someone, when they hear something, so profound, that they look within, and they wonder.  It makes them search themselves, and they search the information.  To question or to be in awe.  To believe, or not to believe.  God made us that way.  Especially, when the testimonies are related to God.  God is a mystery.  I think we have the desire to know God, and we want to see what works.  And so when someone hears something so profound, that it could only be deemed a miracle, from a testimony.  It resonates in the heart, and someone remembers.  Especially, if the miracle or blessing sounds like it could be attainable.

The scripture above, tells us, we can overcome the enemy, God’s enemy by our testimony, and by the blood of the lamb.  Christ is that lamb.  The enemy, does not want God to get glory.  From the beginning, he tried to raise himself up.  God had nothing to do with that, and kicked him out of heaven.  God does not need us to fight his battles.  But if we love God, we want to glorify him.  I want to glorify God.  With praise, with honor.  I am so grateful for my salvation, and so much more….

My goal in this ministry from the beginning is to bring glory to God, inspire his children, and speak a word of truth to the lost.  So, I always try to write things that will do that, they will first bring glory to God.  God has been so very good to me.  All through my life, I can look back, here and there, and I think.  You know, that must have been God.   He must have worked that out, for me.  He must have protected me.  He must have sent that blessing, here and there.  He must have known….So many, “He did, this or that.”  That I cannot even document all he has done.

It just makes me wonder, to know, that as Christians, you probably could relate in this too.  You see God’s hand working in your life.  You sense and know, and feel the goodness of God.   In some way or another.  Maybe you have not articulated the thought, or maybe you have, but it is gone.  You said, what you did, and as you think in retrospect, that was a miracle.

Well, funny how God can speak to us through the Holy spirit.  And just yesterday, I wrote my blog, on a testimony of how I got a healing, and I sent it out, and a gentleman, who has been on my mailing list, sent me a testimony of his own healing.  And as I read it, I felt the sweet prompting from God, that I needed to make a blog for only testimonies. Testimonies to the glory of God. It wasn’t demanding, but it was God asking me to do that for him.

And immediately, I said yes….We need to say yes to God.  So, I implore you, whoever you are.  To consider sending me your testimony.  Send me a photo, of who are, or the place, or whoever you are writing a testimony about.  I am asking you….but more than anything God is asking you to share your testimony.  It could be about your salvation, or a miracle of healing, or just how you met your true love, but it was all somehow, related to God.  And you know that…..

I will post it on my new blog….Testimonies that give glory to God.

I have already gotten two testimonies.  And posted them.  So please feel free to go to the blog, and share this with others as well.  We all need to see, the power of God.  For you see, no one is exempt, from needing God.  And as my friend Barbara Philbrook wrote, in her testimony, she could not even begin to understand, or fathom, how someone can go through something tragic, or hard without God.  We all need God.  These testimonies, will remind us to draw close to God.

I want you to consider this, we live in a world, that does not know God.  You see it in the media, you see it, in communications, in politics, in government etc.  Our world, our society, shuns the things of God.  And it just makes me think…What are we as Christians going to do about it?  I am not asking anyone to be radical, or to offend anyone, or be a pain to anyone.  But, never be ashamed of who you are in Christ.  If you have given your heart, to Christ, you know the difference.  I think, the only thing, God would want you to do, or anyone of us, is to share what he has done.  As a testimony.  It goes, hand in hand, with sharing the gospel, throughout the earth.  If you love God, then tell others.  Let me post your testimonies.  So others can know.  Maybe, your testimony, will bring them to know truth, the truth, that can only be God…..

Blessings, Just my Thoughts….

A Prayer of Hope….

Father, my Lord, may all glory, and honor be yours.  I pray, your children will heed this, and be obedient, and submit their testimonies.  For your glory, honor, and praise.  Father, thank you, with all my heart.  Thank you for everything you have done.  My life is a testimony of your goodness, and I pray, to bless you, by expressing this as well.  In Jesus name,  Amen

Elena Ramirez

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.

I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!


A PRAYER OF JESUS TO SEE HIS GLORY ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

“These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.

For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me. I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.”
‭‭John‬ ‭17:1-26‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Jesus loves you…Did you know that?  And as I read this, I came back to this scripture, from one of my earlier posts, of prayer, I listed, with Jesus praying.  Easter has passed, but if you know him.  He is not in the tomb, he is in your heart.  I can’t help but feel how precious his love is toward us.  And as I meditate on this, I realize, how much he does love us.  Folks, he wants us to be with him, and to see the glory……I can only imagine it in my mind.  But, in my feeble attempt to describe it, I suppose it would be like constant sunshine, with beautiful colors, surrounding Christ.  The holiness, of our Lord, is truly the light of the world.  And thats what Christ wants for us as well.  To live and dwell in that holiness.  With him.  Would you trade that, by not making the commitment to love him?  Would you trade that, because you want to be stubborn, in your unbelief, that there is no God?  If you knew, for sure, would you deny God?   The only way you can know for sure, is by opening your heart, to believe, repenting, and let God, do the rest….He is God.  By not taking that chance, is denying yourself, the greatest gift we can have…..His Presence.  The beauty of his glory….May God bless your day.

Father, my Lord Jesus, compelled, to write more of your prayers, here, I cannot help and see your love for us.  How great your love, is, for each one of us, and Thank you, for the gift of my Salvation.  Thank you, for forgiving me, of my sins.  Lord, I thank you, that I know, that I know, my name is in the Book of Life.  Because I do believe.  And you have shown me, who you are.  Faith has done that.  Thank you.  May the glory of your love, shine in my heart, and that of other believers.  For we believe….In the name above all names, my Lord Jesus.  Amen

Dear friend, I don’t know you, but God does.  And I really don’t think it is by chance you are reading this.  It is by divine appointment.  Today you can make a choice, to believe, and repent, and make it right with God, or you can reject this.  But if you do make the choice to believe….God will show you things that you could never know, By believing, but by denying him.  You will never, really know…You won’t know the true peace, that surpasses all understanding.  You won’t know or experience his healing, touch.  The true joy, that comes from living for him.  And oh so much more.  His glory….covers more than we could even think or conceive.  It is fruit, that we have being on the vine with him….But, All it takes is that one ounce of faith, to know what Christ did for you on the cross, and to truly seek him.  You will find love, you will find God.  Don’t lose the chance, we never know, when we will leave this earth.  But this way, you will always know.  You will know, your name is in the Book of life, in heaven, and there you will experience his glory…If you live for Christ, because he died for you…..Below is a link.  Say the prayer of Salvation, and trust God.


The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.

I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!



IS THAT LIGHT IN YOU OR IS IT DARKNESS? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Being led by God….

Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.  Luke 11:35

This is such a profound scripture here.  As I ponder, on the instruction of it.  I wonder.  For being human, but yet, a child of God, I want to tap into the power, of the holy spirit of God. Recently, I have had reason to question even myself, if I am not in darkness.  Or at least, a fog.  I long for the light, and I long to pierce the darkness, with God’s light.  But sometimes, I feel like I am just grasping at the truth, or grasping to even find my way.  Though, I am very sensitive to the Holy spirit, I have been missing it lately, and I see it.

In many ways I know how to live, by being obedient to God, and to his word.  My goal daily, is to try and renew my mind with his word, and I know that is the beginning, by being in fear of God, and accepting his grace.  Prayerful, forgiving, and loving others.  Yet I miss it sometimes.

I know that I did, because recently an acquaintance, who has become a friend, in Christ, recommended, that I visit a church.  Here in Colorado.  The pastor, of this person, was to be a guest speaker.  This friend, is from Hawaii, such a far place.  Yet, I see, by the writings of this individual, truth, and light.  I identify with the truth written from my friend.  I sense God’s light, and promptings.  I have seen so many coincidences, since our meeting, by a blog, just recently.  That it could just be coincidental, or it could be God using this person, to speak truth, to help guide me.  I can relate for a few reasons.  One reason, is that, this person, lives very, close to an area, where we vacationed, a couple of years ago.  And so when this person, shares photographs, the area, comes to mind. And I can identify with it.   And then, I have actually listened to one of the church services.  Of my friend’s church.  So, I have seen things in the spirit, to tell me that this friend, is a friend of God.  And I identify with it.

So when my friend, made this recommendation to go to this church, I wanted to.  But being aware, I can’t always control the situation, and in being submissive to that, (love does not insist on it’s own way) I have to trust God.  So this Sunday, I was not able, to take my friends advice, and I ended up being in a very dry place, spiritually.  I sat there in that service, and I felt, like I was at the wrong place, at the right time.  I felt that for many reasons.  And one thing that bothered me, was this church, did not have an altar call.  They did not call up the lost, for Salvation.  And though, I did not go to the place, where perhaps, a blessing could have come through.  I still, heard Gods voice, in this dry place.  And I still worshipped God.

“On earth as it is in heaven”, was the message.  Concerning the Lords prayer.  And though, the message, did not relate to what I know, or what I wanted to hear.  I still want to hear God.  And, I still, felt God speaking to me.  Here on earth, as it is in heaven. God is everywhere, and I know that there are designated places for blessings, and to hear God.  But I know, because I have been in dry places, before, that God is able to change things around.  But we have to be aware of the promptings.

God knew that it was out of my control, and yet being submissive, obedient I know God, can bring heaven to earth to me.  So I feel hope, in my faith.

And so even as I write this, you may feel like I do, that you are missing it.  Or you may think you are in the light, but really you are in darkness.  That scripture made me think, and if anything pray…In any event, I just feel we need to be led by God, by his light.  If, you are not in the right place, ask God, and let him be the light you need to take that darkness out of you.  To take you into his light.  To take you to the plan he has for your life.  And while you are at it, let your light shine for him.  Don’t put that light under a bushel.  Shine, shine shine…..:>)

That’s what I ask even now….

Father, I seem to be missing it, sometimes, it is in my control, and sometimes it is out of my control.  But Lord, I want your light, to be my guide.  Take away please, any darkness from me.  I want to be in position, to receive the plan you have for my life.  I don’t want to receive a counterfeit, in this.  Your enemy, wants to deceive many of us, to think we are in the light, but really we are in darkness.  Open our spiritual eyes, to know where to go, what to do, and let us see truth that sets us free.  Father, by your word, I want to be led.  Let everything work together, so I won’t miss it.  I don’t want to take anything out of context, but I want the very best of you by the cross, and if that’s all I can do for now, so be it.  For you are God, and I trust you.  As I claim your will to be done in my life.  On earth as it is in heaven.  I call forth your Kingdom, in my life.  Bring heaven to me Lord.  While, I am on this earth.  Lord, I want to be a testimony that shines for you.  Thank you Lord, In Jesus name.  Amen

P.S.  I almost forgot to mention my friends blog. His name is Wes Suzawa, and I am sure you can relate to his method of writing, as it inspires, and teaches.   Check it out, and sign up for his daily commentaries.  Blessings, and Aloha…

Also check out this video, I hope it inspires…..

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.