GOD IS FIGHTING FOR YOU ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

One man of you, shall chase a thousand:  for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.   Take good heed therefore unto yourselves that you love the Lord, your God.   Josuah 23:10-11

Someone sent me this graphic today, and it inspired me, to write on….to chase away those dark and foreboding spirits away from you, from me. Because God is fighting for us….

Yes, I know, it says fight on….but when I write ON, this is one of my ways, of fighting a good fight of faith….as the Bible says…Prayer, and claiming Gods word, Loving God, loving one another, forgiving, trusting God, being obedient, these are things, I find that we just need to do.  To please God.  Being thankful…Watching our attitudes, as I wrote yesterday.

So, I write on…..  Stirring myself up, maybe stirring you.  I so want to encourage you.  By what I write.  I want you to see the difference, if you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord, and savior.  And maybe you do know him, and you are also weary.  We do get weary, but the key is never giving up.  Never stop believing, never throw away your faith, and your confidence.  Never change from turning your eyes from God.  Keep looking at him.

Sure there are things we need to do, to get in position, to receive the blessing, the promises from God.  But truly the battle is his, as the word says.  When you are so weary dear one, and it just seems like you cannot handle it any more, don’t stop believing.  For if you do not have God, then we have nothing.

I know the difference.  I know what it was like to walk without God, and to try and do things my way.  Those were the loneliest, darkest times of my life.  And I made so many mistakes.  So duh…and forgive my sarcasm here, but why would I let go of God, and faith? And even though, I get weary, and sometimes do not see progress, why would I give up on God?…..Yet some do.

I guess it goes, to the scripture where, Jesus says they were not planted in good ground, and their roots were pulled up, and they withered and died.  Matthew 13:6  And when the sun was up, they were scorched:  and because they had no root, they withered away. You do not want to wither away.

I know, I want to live, abundantly in Christ.  So I am adamant, to push on, to fight on, in faith, to believe….

We all know the process of a butterfly.  The butterfly, is not at its best when it is a caterpillar.  It may even think it is a caterpillar, and unaware of its potential.  But if it is forced out of its cocoon, the butterfly, will be handicapped.  Only, when the butterfly forces, and pushes its way through, can it fly, and be strong.  In that process, it grows wings. For, its beauty is revealed.  Well that is what we have to do, with our faith, and knowing God is fighting for us.  We can grow wings, and fly, and soar to do new things, great things, and in it, seeing God has fought for us.

But we have our part.  In prayer, and faith, and His word…..and most of all not giving up!

Through it loving God.  I have seen God do so many things in my life.  And I know, I will see him do more, and through, it, I want him to get all the glory, honor, and praise.

Praying you are blessed as you read this.  Praying you can gain strength, go to the throne, even if you have to crawl on your knees.  With every breath you take, every ounce that is left in you, go to God…let him fight this for you.   Your battle will be won!!

Blessings, and Just my thoughts….

In his love,

Elena Ramirez

Another Prayer of Hope….

Father, I praise you, and seek you, knowing you are fighting for me.  Lord, I do not want to give up.  I want to continue on, as weary, as I am, and see you be glorified, and see you bring the best out of me.  I want to see you fight my battles, for I am weary.  I want to believe in faith.  Help my faith, by your word.  Even here, I will make the commitment, to be more diligent, to seek you, in prayer, and to read your word, for it will renew my mind, to give me that push, I need, to come out of my own cocoon, and be that butterfly, that can go to new heights because of you dear Lord.  Thank you for fighting for me, and my battles.  I will rest in you, and trust you.  I love you Lord Jesus, Father God, and Holy spirit, and thank you for my Salvation, that ensures you will fight for me.  In Jesus name.  Amen 




God bless you, as you share this, and share LOVE……

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!





Thank you Father for your promises. Thank you brother Wes for this photo

It is so easy to cop an attitude….and I am using slang here.  But, really it is.  It goes back to the “me, me, me”, syndrome.  We can get opinionated, judgmental or even ungrateful.  And that is when, one has to stop, and do some checking out, some self-analyzing, and more than anything some praying.  First, for forgiveness.  Because God is so good.  It is easy to get into a slump, or a routine even, and then you just start taking things for granted.  I don’t want to take anything for granted.  Life, is funny.  Nothing is promised.  And life is precious.  I want to be the best I can be in my life.  But it begins, with who I am in God.  I know the difference.  From before God was in my life, and now.  And I am grateful, for my salvation.  I am so grateful, God did not let me self-destruct, in my own ways.  And even though, I am secure in my salvation.  I admit, myself, to having a few pity parties here and there, and one can ponder, on our mistakes, our misfortunes, our track record, our sins, etc.  But, if you have given your heart to Christ, something, does happen, he takes away your sins.  And he promises, he will not leave or forsake you, and he promises you something else, that you have a place in his Kingdom.  And then there are all his other promises in the Bible, that one can claim.  I have so much to be thankful for.  Because all I have to do is, go to Father, God.  My Lord, who is so merciful, good and kind to me.  And I feel like crying as I write this.  Because God is so good.  So when I see myself, like that, being ungrateful, I think, that is not right, and even today, I woke up, and said, I am not going to go to that place.  Of having an attitude.  I am going to purposely, try to change my attitude to gratitude.  I have so very much, to be thankful for.  Sure things are not perfect in my little world.  But I have a little family, who I love dearly.  And I have a home, a roof, over our heads.  We have food.  I may not have a job….And I want to do so much, but when I stop and look at me, and where I came from, I am thankful.  When I look at the possibilities, I am thankful.  I live in the United States, and with all of our political problems, etc.  We are still a great nation, under God.  And there is freedom.  Some people in other countries, cannot even worship, or speak about God.  But I can, you can too.  So, I am thankful.  I have my health, for the most part, though sometimes, my own choices, have caused a couple of lbs here, and there.  But, that can change.  See anything can happen or change, if you put your trust on God, in thankfulness, and start where you are at.  I just see, I am at a point, where I can either get negative, or positive.  And I want to be positive.  So, I am going to begin, making it a point to be thankful to God.  More so, and loving, and kind.  So with that said, I am thankful for you too.  Maybe, no one has told you this today.  But I love you, and so does God.  I am grateful.  Watching my words, to try and bless, I want to change, my behavior, my attitude to gratitude.

And so I add this, after I have already posted this….but to truly have a heart that is thankful, we need to be in a place where we are right with Christ.  I have a new friend, who just started a blog, (see her comment below)  and she wrote that the foundation is because we are saved, that is why we can be thankful….So, dear one, if you do not have that thankfulness, try God.  Give him a chance.  Below is my link, for the prayer of Salvation.  Today may be your day, to truly be thankful.  Pray it, and then write to me.

Blessings, Just My Thoughts….Elena Ramirez


A Prayer of Hope….

Father, forgive me.  I love you, and I am sorry, for my attitude sometimes being negative, and more then anything, not faithful, to believing your promises.  And so, I get ungrateful.  Forgive me, for I am so very thankful.  Help me, to change my heart to be more positive, more thankful.  For there is much to be thankful for, starting with my salvation.  And you, my family, and all my other blessings.  Too many to count.  Forgive me.  I love you Lord, thankful.  Let me show that, by being thankful.  In Jesus name,  Amen

Check out brother Wes Suzawa’s blog out.  He has a wonderful blog, that brings so much insight to Gods word, and perspective, from his studies.  I recommend, you subscribe to it, you will learn lots….I do from it.  Blessings, aloha…brother Wes.  http://Wessuzawa.wordpress.com  Or click my link, on my blog page, to get to it…..

Thank you….

Elena Ramirez

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!




ARE YOU SURE YOU SHOULD REACH FOR THAT? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Psalm 131:1 Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me.


Sometimes, we may have great hopes, or goals, and we want to do this and that, and it may even be for a very good cause.  So we reach out.  And probably in territory, we are not too acquainted with.  We take a risk.  It could be anything from a business deal, to buying a house, or really to be blunt….  Sticking our noses, into some kind of business, we really should not. God has placed in our spirits, a “gutt feeling” and we know, when we are on the right path, and we know when we are not.  If we ignore those signals from God, we are hurting ourselves.  Because,  if we do not have the release from God, our efforts, can be in vain.  I have experienced that from time to time.  I may even think I might be able to handle it, and for whatever reason, I just am not successful, in those things.   You would think wisdom, would teach us, not to go for that.  But I see now, how pride, may enter into our mind.  And we dismiss the thought, instead, of seeking God.  Seeking God, so that he can walk with us, and talk to us.  To counsel us, in those decisions.  I just feel like recently, I learned a very valuable lesson.  Gods peace needs to be in anything, you want to accomplish.  And if it is there, it will be blessed.  Now, we should always try to go for the very best, because of who we are in Christ.  Because, with him, all things are possible.  But when his blessing is not in it, our efforts are in vain.  So, the goal is, to know ourselves.  Know God, and his will, and seek him, for guidance.  So we won’t make the same mistakes.  Or really put ourselves in a position, that can hurt us, or compromise us.

Father, I seek you, and ask for forgiveness, for walking in my own pride sometimes.  You are teaching me, to seek you in such matters as these.  Lord, I do not want to put my attention, or in matters that are too high for me.  That in truth, really is none of my business.  Forgive me Father.  Grant me your peace, and restoration, and help me, remind me to seek you, so there will be peace in what I do for you.  Father please guide me, remind me by your Holy spirit, and prompt me to seek you.  So, I won’t make those mistakes again.  In Jesus name,  Amen

Elena Ramirez

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!




GOD HAS FEELINGS TOO ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

We can get so caught up in me, how does this affect me? What about me? ME, ME, ME….But do we really think about….That what we do affects God?  Do we consider God has feelings too?

I can’t help and look at our world, our country, our society.  And I don’t like to judge, because we are called not to judge.  Yet, I cannot help and see, the moral decay of our environment.  I listen to people on the news, radio, and I read, blogs etc.  And I see people say things like, God does not care, or the world, would not be the way it is.  I see them justifying sin.  I see, religions, that really do not know the truth, and I see innocence, and the sweet values, that were once held up, out the window….

And I wonder, what does God feel?  How it must grieve him.  I mean think about it.  God created us, in his image, and he created us to have a personal relationship with him.  Sin came in, and messed up the plan.  So when Adam and Eve sinned, God said…O.k.  Lets go to plan B.  And I am paraphrasing here….because that really is not scriptural.  But we do know, he implemented the plan of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Yet, we do see in the new and old testament, how God, did express his anger, sadness, remorse, when sin, was not taken seriously.  When people, did what they wanted.  And we see in many instances, how God punished, those who did not obey.  Or he permitted, some situations, that could have been different, to take it’s course.  Because people, did not seek his guidance, wisdom, and more than anything, they purposely disobeyed God.  By seeking counsel, from evil counselors.  Saul from the Bible, was an example of that.  He had Gods favor, yet he did not take into consideration, God at first, he took him into consideration, as an after thought.  Placing spiritual counselors that were an abomination to God, as his counsel.  Many do that in our society…They seek this and that and the other, when they should seek truth.  His truth.  We say we love God, yet, we do not think of him first, or his commandments, and then sin?  And then we reap, what we sow.

So many things, mankind has done throughout the ages….and yet, he loves us.  He loved us so much, that he sent, his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to suffer, die, and take the place of us.   To pay the penalty of sin.  He became the lamb.  To spare us.  And yet, this world, does not see it, and they shun him.  And we as Christians, also not strong, in our walk with God, we are sometimes just as bad as the sinner.  And I hate to say that.  But, the truth of the matter is, I see people who claim they are Christians, and they are so confused, and not aware, of what Gods word says….They don’t open their Bibles…

I don’t know why, but I am sad for God.  And I do wonder how he feels.  He may be silent, but he feels.  You may not see him, but that does not mean he does not exist.  I know that he is real.  I know, because the difference he has made in my life.

But, I am sad, that we are not taking serious, living right before him.  Yes, there are many, who do, but there are more who do not.  And the truth is, God is not mocked.  We reap, what we sow.  Either here on earth, or when we stand before him.   And we will know, in a twinkling of an eye, when Christ returns.  How did we justify, his truth, his word, his warnings?….He says, that is his will, that none, would perish.  But many forsake that.

Yes, truly God has feelings too….  If we read the Bible, we see, what pleases him, and what does not.  And obedience is better than sacrifice.  I know that.  God have mercy on us.  Thats all I can say.  I would rather, obey him now, than pay the consequences.  I pray, we all really read this, and take to heart, what Gods word says, and we try to make it right now.  While we are alive on this earth.  This is our only chance.  Because if we don’t sadly, the consequences is death, it is hell.  Strong words, scary words, but it is true.

So consider Gods feelings now, and make it right with him, is what I advise we all do.  Let us start with love.  Love God, with all your heart soul and might, then love one another.  Give your heart to Jesus.  I want to see you in heaven…..and more than anything God wants you to be there.  My link is below, for those who want to start….Pray the prayer of Salvation, and drop me a note.  Let me know, if you did do this.  Don’t be ashamed.  Christ said, if we were ashamed of him, he would be ashamed of us, in front of the father.  Consider the feelings of Christ.  Consider the feelings of God…..God bless you.  In his love, I tell you this, from “Just my Thoughts.”  Elena Ramirez


A Prayer of Hope…

Father, Lord, God almighty, I praise you.  I love you.  I pray, we would all consider your feelings.  That we would all try and make it right with you.  Now on this earth.  Before it is too late.  Lord I pray for your mercy.  For all of us.  Help us.  Send truth, send true ministers, angels, to minister to those who do not know Jesus.  Send your love, in many more forms, to show who you really are.   I ask this, in the name of Jesus.  So that we all could consider your feelings, for they are connected to your commandments, and love.  Lord, take the blinders off of peoples eyes, to see truth.  To consider your feelings.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Elena Ramirez

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!







A testimony, is a very powerful thing.  It impacts someone, when they hear something, so profound, that they look within, and they wonder.  It makes them search themselves, and they search the information.  To question or to be in awe.  To believe, or not to believe.  God made us that way.  Especially, when the testimonies are related to God.  God is a mystery.  I think we have the desire to know God, and we want to see what works.  And so when someone hears something so profound, that it could only be deemed a miracle, from a testimony.  It resonates in the heart, and someone remembers.  Especially, if the miracle or blessing sounds like it could be attainable.

The scripture above, tells us, we can overcome the enemy, God’s enemy by our testimony, and by the blood of the lamb.  Christ is that lamb.  The enemy, does not want God to get glory.  From the beginning, he tried to raise himself up.  God had nothing to do with that, and kicked him out of heaven.  God does not need us to fight his battles.  But if we love God, we want to glorify him.  I want to glorify God.  With praise, with honor.  I am so grateful for my salvation, and so much more….

My goal in this ministry from the beginning is to bring glory to God, inspire his children, and speak a word of truth to the lost.  So, I always try to write things that will do that, they will first bring glory to God.  God has been so very good to me.  All through my life, I can look back, here and there, and I think.  You know, that must have been God.   He must have worked that out, for me.  He must have protected me.  He must have sent that blessing, here and there.  He must have known….So many, “He did, this or that.”  That I cannot even document all he has done.

It just makes me wonder, to know, that as Christians, you probably could relate in this too.  You see God’s hand working in your life.  You sense and know, and feel the goodness of God.   In some way or another.  Maybe you have not articulated the thought, or maybe you have, but it is gone.  You said, what you did, and as you think in retrospect, that was a miracle.

Well, funny how God can speak to us through the Holy spirit.  And just yesterday, I wrote my blog, on a testimony of how I got a healing, and I sent it out, and a gentleman, who has been on my mailing list, sent me a testimony of his own healing.  And as I read it, I felt the sweet prompting from God, that I needed to make a blog for only testimonies. Testimonies to the glory of God. It wasn’t demanding, but it was God asking me to do that for him.

And immediately, I said yes….We need to say yes to God.  So, I implore you, whoever you are.  To consider sending me your testimony.  Send me a photo, of who are, or the place, or whoever you are writing a testimony about.  I am asking you….but more than anything God is asking you to share your testimony.  It could be about your salvation, or a miracle of healing, or just how you met your true love, but it was all somehow, related to God.  And you know that…..

I will post it on my new blog….Testimonies that give glory to God.  http://testimoniesofgod.wordpress.com

I have already gotten two testimonies.  And posted them.  So please feel free to go to the blog, and share this with others as well.  We all need to see, the power of God.  For you see, no one is exempt, from needing God.  And as my friend Barbara Philbrook wrote, in her testimony, she could not even begin to understand, or fathom, how someone can go through something tragic, or hard without God.  We all need God.  These testimonies, will remind us to draw close to God.

I want you to consider this, we live in a world, that does not know God.  You see it in the media, you see it, in communications, in politics, in government etc.  Our world, our society, shuns the things of God.  And it just makes me think…What are we as Christians going to do about it?  I am not asking anyone to be radical, or to offend anyone, or be a pain to anyone.  But, never be ashamed of who you are in Christ.  If you have given your heart, to Christ, you know the difference.  I think, the only thing, God would want you to do, or anyone of us, is to share what he has done.  As a testimony.  It goes, hand in hand, with sharing the gospel, throughout the earth.  If you love God, then tell others.  Let me post your testimonies.  So others can know.  Maybe, your testimony, will bring them to know truth, the truth, that can only be God…..

Blessings, Just my Thoughts….

A Prayer of Hope….

Father, my Lord, may all glory, and honor be yours.  I pray, your children will heed this, and be obedient, and submit their testimonies.  For your glory, honor, and praise.  Father, thank you, with all my heart.  Thank you for everything you have done.  My life is a testimony of your goodness, and I pray, to bless you, by expressing this as well.  In Jesus name,  Amen

Elena Ramirez

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!





WALKING WITH JESUS ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Take a walk to contentment…..




I think one of the sweetest, assurances, we can have in Christ, is to know, with our Lord, we can receive Godliness.

We receive the benefit of it.  It truly is a great gain.  To be content, in Christ, no matter what is going on, we can have that.  Now I am not saying this is something that happens instantaneous, because I am a Christian, and there are times, when my old nature, sometimes kick in.

And I get a little flustered, when things don’t go my way.  I don’t really enjoy the feeling of being impatient.  Nor do I enjoy seeing the fruit of it.  A sharp word here, a mistake, a false sense of judgement.  That sometimes leads to more of a problem.  But this Godliness with contentment, comes with maturity.

Just a sense, of contentment, that one gets in time, of need, even more so.  Knowing things are in disarray, and even If I have no control over the world around.  My dear Lord does, and he helps me to gain self-control.

He has taught me, how to react.  I used to get a little impulsive, in my reactions.  But not any more.  There is a quietness in my spirit, that I see the evidence of Christ.

Observing, he gives me wisdom.  It truly is a blessing.  Because one can see, when Christ is in them.  I see the difference.  I hope you do too.  Sometimes, taking a walk alone… But letting Christ walk with you.  That, can bring that sweet fellowship, as you and Christ find the way for your situation.  And as you do, you will find contentment, with Godliness.

A Prayer of Hope…

Father, what a sweet assurance you give me, as I seek you.  As I walk with you.  As I repent, even from the day before.  Any thought, or action, that was not of you.  I take to the cross.  You take me back to that place of godliness, that one can only have being in the presence of you.  Father, I just want to rest at your feet.  On this walk, I will take a few moments, to be in awe of you.  To see your majesty.  To see the beauty of who you are.  Take the problems of the day, or the challenges, and just let me see you.  Truly Father, contentment is only gained with your Godliness, one can have this by seeking you.  And I seek you my Lord….In Jesus name,  Amen

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!


PRAY THE KING JAMES BIBLE ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  Isaiah 55:11 King James. 

I ask the question from my title, because I sense God wants people to know this.  That whatever need they have, they can have a way, to guide them, to get answers.  And that is by praying the King James word of God.

So, I want to talk about something, that maybe many people really do not realize.  But the word of God, is something God gave to us to use.

It’s not just something, that you can read, and get Bible stories from.  Or to have a history lesson from.  Or even get direction from or guidance.  But God meant it for our benefit as well.  To actually use it.  To claim the promises of it.  To speak it.  To pray it.  I have learned, to pray the word of God.

Here,  I claim the above scripture, in relating to God’s promise from this.  Because God says, that his word, will accomplish whatever he wants it to, in whatever situation, he may send it to.  And since he has created us in his image.  We can have the authority to speak and say his word too.  So where can we send the word of God to?  So lets use examples, where I have actually tried this.

A couple of years ago, I got a terrible doctors report.  It was pretty scary.  For it was a bad report.  It was a life and death situation.


So, I thought o.k.  I have read a lot of scriptures.  And I do not want to die.  I am a believer, in Jesus Christ, and right now, I see my faith being put to a test.  I am going to pray Gods word.    I am going to be positive about this.  I am not going to speak that I am ill.  I am going to be very careful not to speak death.  I did not want to die yet.  And that scripture reminded me, to be careful with the words I would speak.  But what words should I speak?

Searching, again, I found;


And I decided, I am going to claim Gods word, I am going to claim, by Christ I am healed….As I also thought,  Gods word also says, by his stripes I am healed.  Isaiah 53:5. (paraphrasing) 

As I could see it in my mind, and heart, the sacrifice of Christ and his beatings became very real to me.  And I knew by each beating, each stripe he received was for my healing.  And I claimed it, and Thanked God.

And because I know Gods word, another classic scripture, came to me.  For in the Bible

Psalms 107:20 says, he sent the word to heal us and deliver us from destruction. (paraphrasing)

So I thought, in faith, and this is the important part...Because it is impossible to please God without faith.  

In Hebrews 11:6….It also says, that who ever comes to him must believe, that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him.  (paraphrasing)

So, I thought, I am going to seek him, with all my heart, and pray his word.   I am going to send it back to God.  I am going to claim his promises, and I am going to believe, I am healed.  I will not believe the bad doctors report.

I will believe, by Christ’s stripes I am healed.  So I did do that.  I looked up as many scriptures on healing, and I claimed them.  And the wonderful thing after a time of praying, and seeking God.  I got an answer.  I got a good report.  Praise God, I thank him here again.  Because, that was a horrible, ordeal to go through.  I will be honest, I got scared.

But I knew I had to stand in faith.  Long story short, I received my healing, that I still claim to this day.

There was one particular scripture though, that I memorized, and prayed, and meditated on completely.  It was one of my favorites.  And it still is….


 And Praise GOD I DO. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, why am I sharing this with you?   One is because I am grateful to God.  Very grateful.  And…Because maybe,  you don’t know the power of God.

Maybe you were not raised in the ways of the Lord.  Or maybe religion, has turned you off.  It could be people in religion have hurt you.  Or you have seen some fanatics in religion, I don’t know….

I just know, God.  Just because people do bad, that does not mean, God won’t answer us.  God is not evil.  He is good.  And he is able to change things.  And nothing is impossible with him.  But maybe your in a situation, right now, that may seem so impossible to you.  That’s why I share this….

And you want a miracle, you want a change.  You want to believe.  But you may not even know where to start.   I encourage you to look up scriptures on whatever topic it may be.  But if you do not know Christ as your Lord and savior.  It will probably may seem very strange to you.  To talk about  praying Gods word.  For you do not know, what his promises are.  But I tell you, as Christ told us, if you do have faith as a mustard seed, we can move mountains.

There are so many beautiful scriptures to claim, and to pray….You just have to look in the word of God to find them.  God will honor his word, and just as it says above, it will not return void.  It will accomplish it where he sends it.  But I have to tell you, according to another scripture.

If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.  Psalms 66:18. King James.

We have to do things Gods way.  And if you need to make it right with him,  I encourage you.  Pray the prayer of Salvation below, repent, and then start searching his word.  You will position yourself as you pray his word to get answers….And if you need help please ask.  Thats one of the reasons, the comment link is here.  I would be honored to help you.  Why?  Because God loves you, and so do I!

Here God reminds us all again…to pray his word.

Jeremiah 1:12   Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

Now many of you know my stance, and love, for King James word.  Let me just say this, there is an anointing on this word.  It has not been changed, its still holy, and anointed.

This is why I support it, and believe that God only honors this word, because there are many scriptures that warn us not to change his word.  Including, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:4-6, Revelation 22:18-19.  That warns so much one can be denied access to the Holy city.  Please listen to God, yes pray King James word, but use this word. Its so important.  I don’t just say this to say it.


Elena Ramirez

Just my Thoughts….

A Prayer of Hope….

Father, I thank you for the word you have given me to write about even tonight.  I just opened my Bible, and this was the first scripture you brought me to.  Now, I know people might have a hard time, understanding this.  But Lord, I have learned, and you have taught me, the power of your word.  Lord, I pray for the person reading this.  That if they do not know you, they would seek you.  Lord, I know your word is alive, and Lord, there are so many promises you can bring by praying your word.  From finances, to healing, to marriages, deliverance from addictions, and so much more.  Lord, your word says all things are possible with you.  And another scripture I just claim, because of who you are.  And that just shows me who I can be in you.  For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank you Lord,  In Jesus name, Amen

I pray, this tid-bit of a blog, may encourage you.  I have a sense lately how much God wants people to know his word, and understand him.  So I have been writing about his word lately.  All I know, with all my heart, and as a true testimony.  Gods word does not fail….You just have to believe.

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!


DO PEOPLE SEE JESUS IN YOU? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez



As we look at the word of God here, we should be very mindful, of what God sees in our hearts.  To be honest, it is enough, to make me, want to study myself, to study my characteristics, and attributes, but also my flaws.  So, God can change me.  And that should always be our hearts desire.  To want to change, and more so, to be Love.  As Christ is.

When someone becomes a child of God, something changes, and becomes very evident.

To specify, theres a quality, a sense, a feeling, even in the physical characteristic of a person, that this person knows Christ.  It is very distinctive.  It is Love.  For, it is seen, as one looks, at someone, who has given their heart to Christ, It is very obvious, that Christ, is their savior.  You see it, in their mannerisms.  In the way, they carry themselves.  To articulate it, in this description, is really beyond words.  It is in the spirit, that comes through physically.  But the beauty of it, when someone has accepted Christ as Lord, and savior.  And truly lets the love in.  Something changes in their demeanor.  You see Christ.

It could be in their eyes, in the way, they smile, the way, they laugh….Christ is evident.  Because of all that characterizes Christ, love is the most prominent, attribute that Christ has.  I see it in what he has done for me, and who he is.  In his sacrifice, for all of us….and by the compassion, and kindness, he always expressed.  Now Christ was not a pushover.  He would speak truth, and tell someone, when they were wrong.  But his love, was always so evident.

That’s what I want people to see in me.  The sweet love, that can change, and transform a person.  To see the light, and not the darkness.  To have the authority, that I can be victorious in a world, where sin may be rampant.  But, I don’t have to live like that.  It is a choice.  And I want to live, in a way, where truly the word says, that I am his temple, and that his spirit lives in me.  And so much so, it even shows in my physicial being.   Like Moses, his countenance, was changed being in the presence of God.  Exodus 34:29

I so want to be like my Father, like Christ.  I want to imitate Christ.  Because the Father sent him, for all of us.  With the greatest love.  The word says, no man has lived and seen God.  But God did send Jesus, so we could see him.  If we see Christ, we see love.  We see God.  I want love to be in my heart, like love is in his heart.  I want the compassion of Christ.  To care deeply, for those who do not know him, and to those who know him.  I want to be strong like him, and not fall apart, when faced with persecution or trials.  I want to have that noble, dignity, that only God can give me, because I am his daughter.  Because the spirit of Christ is in me.  More than anything, because God looks at the heart.  I want him to see Love in me.  His love…..

You see, I am a branch of Christ, as you are.  If you have accepted Christ as Lord and savior.  And he says, He is the vine.  And we cannot do anything without him.  So because we are grafted together, I want you to see the fruit of Christ in me as well.  So the question to ponder on.  What do people see in you?  Are you changing, so much so….That they see Christ.

Next time, you see a true Christian look at that in them.  You will see something so different, it may if you do not know Christ make you somewhat envious.  But all you have to do, to have that that love and beauty, that expresses kindness, confidence, is to accept Christ as your Lord and savior.  My link is below, for you to begin your relationship with Christ.

In any event, a question for all of us, to try to reach as a goal.  Do people see Jesus in you?  I want to encourage you….So that people will see Jesus in us.  But more then anything God will see it.  We all need to work on that.  I suppose, the best place is…whats really in our heart?  It begins with love….

A Prayer of Hope…

Father, I praise you and bless you, and with a song in my heart today, I thank you.  I give you glory and honor and praise.  Lord change me, to be like you.  In my heart, and in my physical appearance.  No matter what people may see, I pray you see Jesus in my heart.  For truly, I do care what you see.  More than anything, I pray you do see love.  In Jesus name.  Amen


Just my thoughts….

Elena Ramirez

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!


HOW DO YOU RENEW YOUR MIND? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

I love learning, and seeking new ideas, for this and that or the other….But not, when it comes to my spiritual well being.  I don’t take it for granted, and I don’t try everything, that this world has to offer.

In fact, some methods, scare me, and I would not try their remedies, if you paid me, because if anything, they are counter productive.   And could do some strange spiritual damage.  Thats why I am careful with religion.  My definition of religion versus relationship is this:  Rules and regulations, traditions, are made by people, and people make mistakes, but relationship is between you and God.  And that is obtainable.  You can have a relationship with God, by his rules.  His commandments.  His love….He does not make mistakes.

You have to be careful, what you put in your system, your heart, your mind.  Or you can really hurt yourself.  So to renew your mind…please read this, with an open heart.

Yes, there are many religions, self-help ideas books, etc.  On the market, that could fill your mind, till you are weary, looking for finding the answer.  And I am not knocking all of them.  But I only trust one book.  Completely.

For, there is only one book, that really does have all the answers.  The Bible.  God’s Holy King James word.  This is not up for debate.  This is truth, and I have proven it, at least to myself.

Now many, have eluded, that it was written, hundreds of years ago, and it does not apply to our modern day living.

But, in all truth, that is just a bunch of malarkey.  For God, is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  I have learned, and it is a process, in order to change, within, you have to see and know what God says.

The Bible, really does give a person understanding, and wisdom, and guidance.   The key is listening to Gods voice, the author, of this great book.  And then obeying it.  You have to see who you are in Christ, and what he represented, especially in his love, and claim his promises.

And I know many will also say, that men wrote this book.  But they were inspired by God.

The Bible, is the only known book, that really truly is alive.  Hebrews 4:12 tells us…


If you want to renew your mind.  You have to do some things in order.  And I know a lot of churches, do not preach this.  But I will tell you straight out.  You have to do what the Bible says.  

You have to know God’s commandments.  You learn who God is by reading the Bible.  To understand God.  To know his voice.  And not the enemies.  So when you give your heart, to Christ, in order to have a change.  You have to“renew your mind.” Or nothing will change.  

Your circumstances, will stay the same.  That is why a lot of Christians, fall back into sin, or give up, and they see no changes, because their mind has not changed.  They still continue, with their “stinking thinking.”  And they don’t see any progress.  The devil, comes and steals the word.  From their hearts, because their commitment, to God, was not planted in good ground.


Now, I was already someone who read the Bible.  But this way, has totally brought order to me.  

To keep this short and sweet, yes give your heart to Christ, below is my link.  Pray the Prayer of Salvation.   And then get on a Bible program, and renew your mind.  

Daily go to it, journal, and read your Bible.  And don’t forget to pray.  God will do such a new thing, for you, and your mind.  You will never be the same.  And you will wonder, how did you ever do it without God?  Because you will see your thinking will be healthier, a peace and joy will be yours.  Your mind will be renewed.  This is how you get results in renewing your mind….By reading Gods word.


Elena Ramirez

Just my Thoughts…..

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

All Copyrights Reserved.



Or send $27.00 for the book, and shipping and handling to:

Elena Ramirez

P.O. Box 1033

Wheatridge, CO  80034

United States Only….

I do appreciate an e-mail, letting me know of your intentions, and this also gives me a time frame to give to you, as to when you will get the book.

Message me, or e-mail me at:  prayerofgod@comcast.net


Blessings, and thanks may Father hear your prayers, and may you get an answer.  This is my prayer for you, for just visiting this blog.

Elena Ramirez



ARE YOU READY FOR A NEW THING? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez



Isaiah 43:19 KING JAMES. 

Seasons, are always an indication, that God changes things.

He is God.  He gets bored with things, just like we do.  But because he has the ability, and the power, as a testimony, of who he is, God almighty, creator of heaven and earth…We can see, him changing the seasons.  We can change things too, with his assistance.

Right now, we can see new life, in Spring.  Just like my teeny, tiny blue flower, that popped up in my yard.  It looks more magnificent, here in this photo, then it does, in my yard.  And we might feel that way.  Insignificant.  Just barely getting by, in the flow of things.  Not truly aware, of the power of God, and that he is able to make new things happen for us as well.  So we barely exist, and are barely surviving.  When God, wants us to thrive.  Our God, who sees everything, is able to cause life, and to make a new beginning, just like this little flower, that “sprung up.”

I love God.  And, I love Spring for that very reason.

Here in Colorado, we do have indication of the four seasons.  Seeing Spring, with new life, though, is my favorite.  I love to see new life.

As a small testimony, my son, was born 21 years ago, in this season of life.  And he has brought me such joy, and happiness.  I thank God for him, and pray for him  For, I love to see the changes in him, and his life.  God has a plan, and I see it being fulfilled in him.  He has grown, from my little baby, to a handsome young man, who has hopes, desires and dreams.  I see the plan of God in his life, becoming manifested in him.  And it gives me hope.  For new beginnings.  New things….

I long to see it in my grand children, as well, though, they probably will not come into view, for many seasons.  As I pray, he can get to that place, where he will be ready for fatherhood.  But holy matrimony first….  

So, I see his turning 21 is a milestone….and a change for him.

Yes, I love to see, changes.  In the earth, from that which was dormant, now changing to life.  And in my family.  Love, always the main ingredient, to keep us together.  Gods love.  It gives me hope, anticipation, that anything is possible.

And thats why I love Gods word.  It gives hope, it gives his promises, that things can change.  I hope you know our Lord Jesus.  I hope you know that he can do the same for you, wherever you are in life.  Whatever, you may have done.  You might even think it is too late.  But it is not.  Now is the time, for new beginnings.  He can make a change.  He can give you a new beginning, but you have to believe.  He did for me, because I believed….

Below is my link, for the Prayer of Salvation, pray that.  And then, trust him, for the changes.  The new beginning, he has for your life.

Here he says, he is going to do a new thing….and that it springs up…Do you not perceive it?

My Prayer of Hope…..

Father, I thank you for new beginnings, in the seasons of my life.  I love and see, as a testimony, the changes you have made in me.  Oh Lord, how I hope, and yearn, for new beginnings for me, and for my family.  And Lord, you know my hearts desire.  So, I pray, for the person, even here, reading this.  There is something on this persons heart, your child, who, longs to see a new thing as well.  Lord, meet that need.  Make a way.  Bring life to it….Whatever it may be.  And let all the glory, and praise be yours.  For you are able to do far, and above, what we could even think or ask.  For you are life…My Father, my great, creator of heaven and earth.  I thank you. With all my heart, I am so grateful.  For, every time, I see something new….I know it is because of you.  For you give life, and life abundantly, because of Christ.  Yes Lord, I perceive it….In Jesus name.  Amen

Elena Ramirez

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

In Christ, Just my Thoughts…..

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!
