Update:  May 2, 2011.  We went back to this church, yesterday,  after over a month.  I still do not know what the will is of the Lord for us, in this.  I never want to hurt anyone, by what I write.  Nor do I touch the anointed of God, by being critical.  I never mention this pastors name, or the church.  Yet, I have gotten some comments, some here, and in other places, that have been both, supportive, and critical of me in this.  I did enjoy the service. Last night. It was a worship service.  Maybe God wants us to return, and to pray for this church more.  It has so much potential, so does the pastor.  I just may be reacting also from past experiences.  Past hurts too.  So I am trying to be an open book here, for God to use me.  But, I know, prayer, will answer this, because I am not sure.  But I know God knows.  I trust God.  For myself, for my family.  For this church, for the pastor.  I trust God….  
PLEASE NOTE:  I wrote this as a draft.  I was originally not going to post it because, I did, expect to go back to this little church.  It has been over a month, since, we stopped attending.  I did not think, it would turn my husband off so much, but we have not been back.  This is an account, from that point.  I am just supportive of my husband, first, and trusting God, to guide us.  But now we do not have a church, to attend.  But it makes me realize, we do have to be careful.  And where we go, has to have lots of faith, and believe, in miracles…..The word of God, has to have power.  There has to be a sense, of the Holy Spirit…..In any event….Perhaps, it will help someone….This is always my prayer, when I write….But do Pastors realize, that if they do not speak faith, they can turn people off.  Because they are turned off?  Hmmmm. 

Jeremiah 12:11 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.  They have made it desolate and being desolate it mourneth unto me; the whole land is made desolate because no man layeth it to heart.

What happens, when a Pastor, does not have faith?  Or does not believe, in God, and His power, completely?  And speaks, against the fruit, the power of God?  Where even, the Holy spirit, is not tapped into….  Or where there is not Holy communion, in remembrance of Christ.  What happens, when pastors, get turned off?  And they share their disdain?

We have been attending, a lovely little church lately.  And so I want to be careful as I write this.  The pastor, is an excellent speaker, and his wife, a nice lady as well.  The church, is not too big, not too small.  And everybody, is so nice.  I want to extend some grace in this matter, because the pastor, did mention, that he was tired, physically, and that their was an illness, concerning, one of his children.

Now, we come from a charismatic, background, so we are kind of used, to seeing, the anointing flow, we are used, to seeing pastors, lay hands on people, and the Holy spirit, called upon, and where the church, the body of Christ, is expressive, and “hallelujah” is often said, with the raising of hands.

We have been attending, this church, I would say about four months.  And at first, I did not notice, this, but there is no holy communion, at the services, we attended.  No layng of the hands, no flow of the Holy Spirit.  etc.

Last Sunday, my husband, was not feeling good, physically, and spiritually.  He had been taking a new blood pressure medicine, and it really was a downer for him.  It depressed him, and my husband, is not easily, depressed.  He is consistent in his personality, and pretty happy, in his faith, etc.

Well, we went to church last weekend, and as I mentioned, the pastor, did mention, he was tired, and so that was good, that he expressed that, he needs, to vent, too, I am sure. But, do pastors have that luxury, when they have a congregation, who needs to hear the power and the word of God?

Anyway, as the service, progressed, his sermon, was on prayer, and he brought up some points, that he expressed, yet, because he was somewhat turned off, in these situations, he more or less, turned my husband off.

And when I think about it in retrospect, I am not sure what exactly his motive was.  But he was very negative.  Not at all positive, or trusting God, in His sermon.  Or the power anyway.  Because he kept, addressing, phonies.  Why?

I had my armor, on, so to speak, and I may have cringed a bit, but I did not know, that it frustrated, my husband so much, that this weekend, he did not want to go to church.  And he brought up, how depressed, he was feeling, but when this pastor, made his points, he said, I needed to hear, how all things are possible, with God, I needed hope, and this pastor basically, took my faith and my hope away.  So, he did not want to attend this weekend.  I was shocked.

And it just made me think, that some of us, are strong, in the Lord.  Some of us know, who we are,in Christ,  but some of us, are really searching, for God, in signs, and wonders, in the moving of the Holy Spirit.  But in any event, there are times, even those that know God, need to hear something positive, not negative.

Gods ways, are not our ways….

This pastor, again, I know, is an excellent speaker, but maybe because he was on a downer, himself, he did not realize, how he sounded.  His points, were negative, truthfully.  And I am sharing them, because, they were related to illness.

But you know what, I believe, by Christs stripes I am healed.  Isaiah 53:5.  I believe, that God, sent the word to heal us, and deliver us from destruction.  I believe, when I pray Jeremiah 17:14, Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed, save me, and I will be saved, for you are the only one, I will praise.  I have meditated, and prayed that word, believing, in the anointing.  The laying of hands.  It gives me hope…..but it reminds, me, God is not a man.  God is able.

And my husband needed, a word, because he was ill, but in relating this, I don’t know, if this pastor, saw this or not, but he diminished faith and hope, because of examples he had seen.  And shared with the congregation.  Why share these?

The four points that he shared, in our sermon notes were the following:

1.  The sensationalist – Show biz healers.

2.  The confessionalists – the name it and claim it crew

3.  The rationalist – an illness is in the mind.

$.  The realist – God can heal but does not always.

I guess, even as I read this, I know, he was trying to bring some balance.  To perhaps, be aware of these kind of situations, perhaps, where he has seen, phony people, or pastors, etc.

Yet, it reminded me, that when people are desperate, or hurting, they need to release their faith.  They need to have something to grasp onto, to help them through, their pain, or their fear, or an illness.

Yes, maybe some are phonies.  But should one throw away the faith and hope?  Because of the phonies?   What if it gives hope?  And let me clarify this, but how does one know they are phonies?  If God is using them?  If the word of God, is used?  If there is evidence, of Gods power?  Hope, is what we need, to get to God.  To have results.  To move God, we need to show Him, we have faith.

Yes those points, brought up the phonies, perhaps the characteristics.  But when I go to church, I don’t want to hear about phonies.  I want to hear about the power of God, and I never want to diminish it, in any form.  Because it brings a spirit of doubt.

I have struggled, as I mentioned in my last post, about my faith.  But not now. And I have had to stir myself up, by the word, by repentance, and by believing, by taking the word and applying it, and if we do not apply it, well, we can easily get in the zone of unbelief.

As most of you know, I am adamant, about using the King James Bible, for my faith.  I believe in the power of it, because it has not been tampered with.

But what happens, when people are searching, and they hear the pastor, from the pulpit, more or less, saying its “hocus pocus” when they see, pastors, have healing services, when pastors do that?  Well, they are human.

You know, I am always reminded, that the devil is the accuser, of the brethren.  And intellectuals, realists, and religion, pharisee spirits, will say, nope, thats wrong.  And I think, we all can do it, but we have to be careful, who we are relating to.  We have to be careful, not to turn people, off, because we are turned off.  Bringing a spirit of discouragement.  So, there could be a danger, in not pleasing God.  God says, faith pleases him.

You know, I come from a place, where my faith has grown.  I believe the King James scriptures, when God, says, all things are possible with him.   When I heard him, say these things, again, I kind of cringed, but I shook it off, because no one, is going to make me feel any different, when I know who I am in Christ.

Yet, my husband was ill.  I took authority, I prayed for my husband.  I gave him scriptures on healing.  I tried to remind him, that it was going to be o.k.  I stood in faith for him.  But it was a tough couple of weeks.  Now, thank God, he went to the doctor, and got a different, medication, for his blood pressure, and is back to normal.  But, he felt a little sad, that when he needed this word, this pastor, was preaching his sermon, from a point of himself, being, turned off.  And he left, that service, not being hopeful.

The pastor, had elders, come to the front, and he had them pray for people.  This was a first, to see, since, we have been there visiting.  But, he did not pray for the people.  And it makes you think, where is the authority, from the leader, the pastor of the church, if he will not pray for the people, and delegate it to the congregation members?  To be honest, it seemed odd.

My husband, did not go to the prayer intercessors.  Maybe, he would have, if the pastor, had prayed for the people.

Consequently, again, we did not go to church this weekend, which left me a little sad.  I hope, we will go back to that church.  But how can we, if we do not feel the prompting from God?  My husband is the spiritual leader, in this household.  And so I trust God and Him.  We have to pray about it.  Searching for churches, can be exhausting.  You want to feel the love, you want to feel, accepted, but you want to see the power, of God, working.  You want to feel the spirit, the Holy Spirit, because then you are basically, just going, but not receiving.  Yes, people can get turned, off, because the Pastor may be turned off.

I want to give this church another chance.  I know, how it feels, when people, won’t give me a chance.  I have been praying for this pastor, and this church.

But, I will trust God, together, with my husband, and son, and pray, God will guide us, where we can all get something, out of our searching for God, at church.  God only knows….but first and foremost, I want to be obedient, and I want to believe, in miracles, not put them down.  Even as I write, I want to close on a positive note, with God all things are possible.  Period.

Just my thoughts, with Love, Elena Ramirez

A Prayer of Promise….

Lord, I changed my thinking lately, from hope, to claim your promises.  I want to be in an environment, where your word, is taught, in its purity.  And where the power of you our Lord, will be manifested, magnified, and brought to the light, for your glory.  Lord, please guide us.  Please guide us, to a church, where we can grow, but where your power, is revealed.  Where your Holy Spirit is.  Where there is more than hope, it is revealed by your promises.  Where love is.  We have not seen your love in too many places.  Lord, I don’t want phonies either, and I sure do not want to go somewhere, where you are not.  Lord, guide us.  Guide that pastor.  Such a lovely church father.  I don’t know, if that pastor, even seen what he was doing.  Or he just reacted by his own feelings.  Lord, when my feelings get in the way.  You have my permission, to kick in the door, and reveal your power, and that faith, will make things evident.  Because of who you are.  Thank you Lord.  I praise you and love you, and believe.  I believe, because of what Christ did on the cross.  No matter what.  I believe, in you.  In Jesus name.  Amen  





I want to encourage you, to obey God, when you hear His voice. In small or large matters.

Recently, I heard the voice of the Lord, it was morning, and He instructed me to go outside, and water my flowers. Now normally, my morning does not start off that way, I usually have my morning routine, and that includes making our coffee, and then I ease into my chores.

Well this morning, I heard the Holy Spirit say, go outside, and water your flowers. I was about to stop and make the coffee, but again, I heard the prompting, go outside and water your flowers. It was that strong, so I even laughed, a little, and said. “Yes sir”, and I went outside, and began watering my flowers.

No big deal, I thought, no spectacular thing, but while I was out there, I was praying. I said something to the Lord, that I will keep as private between me and Him, but what I said, to Him, was very unusual.

Yet no big deal, till later, when I was on FB here, someone sent me a video, of a pastor speaking. And this pastor said something very unusual, and profound, and said the same thing, in reference, as to what I did. The same words, I said to my Lord, that I said outside. When I heard him say, that, I began crying. For I knew, that I knew, God heard me.

Coincidence? No, I know, it was God showing me, that He had heard me. It was God speaking to me, to be obedient.  It was God even reminding me, that obedience is better than sacrifice. If it had just been anything, it would not hold the same frame of reference, that I had. For it was that unusual. Because I knew, that I knew.  That gut feeling.  And, by the way, it came together.  But I had to harken, and obey…..just like the rest of this scripture of I Samuel 15:22


I want to encourage you, to “HARKEN” to the voice of the Lord. He speaks to us all in that small still voice. He may be calling you to do something for him. He wants to fine tune that voice, and communication. It may not always make sense, it may be a small thing, but as you do obey, you will strengthen your communication, and relationship with him. He tests us sometimes, to see, if we will be obedient in small things, before He can speak in big things.

Now be careful, that the voice, you obey is the Lords, I feel, I have to add. Because the enemy, will try to interject, and speak something as well. To make you fall. But know our Lords voice. His sheep know His voice. It is always, kind, compassionate, and will not cause you to do evil.

In any event, I pray, my small testimony, will remind you, to obey. Fine tune, that static, to hear his clear voice. Harken, and obey, and I know you will develop your relationship with our Lord. He speaks to all of us. But to obey, shows you know him. Know His word….so you can know him, even more.

Blessings and much love, Elena




God bless you, as you share this, and share LOVE……

© All Copy Rights Reserved by law

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

 All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

If ever doing a word search for my Prayers of Hope, here at wordpress.com

Check out, the key word of:  “Prayers of Hope.”  Or search here, on my blog.

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!







I love second chances. I guess, I appreciate them, because God has given me more then a few to be honest.

And it is so easy, especially, as a Christian, to have high standards, and a sense of excellence, because we are children of the King, that we can have judgmental, and snotty, excuse the term, but snobbish, attitudes toward people.

I see, it, I know you see it too. And the thing is, we can let those attitudes get in the way, of serving God, and loving, and yes, they can even hinder our blessings…

I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, as well. I know what it feels like, even in Christian circles, and you are “marked” avoided, and just rejected.

People, are not always loving, kind, nor do they give the benefit of the doubt. To be honest with you, I write this, because I see right now, I need to give someone the benefit of the doubt. I need to walk in love. I need to be compassionate, and forgiving, and tenderhearted, and yes giving that benefit of the doubt, because Christ gives me the benefit of the doubt.

I know myself, and like you, yourself, you may have a tendency to bring out someones, shortcomings. You may do it indirectly, or directly, but there is an attitude about you. That expresses, to you, and to even others, who you are communicating with…..I am better then you! Or I even know better then you. I don’t want to be that way…..Its ugly.

We are all growing on the vine of Christ, at different places. So we are not all in the same place spiritually. And one should never make those kind of comparisons, because it opens the door to evil. God forbid…so I have to do my part too. Walk in love…

Dear one, if others see it. When we are like that…. What does God see? He is not a respecter of persons. He wants us not to be a respecter of persons either. In other words, giving grace to some but not to all. Whats that all about? Love, really is the foundation of who He is. And if we want to grow, we need to stop, and look, and begin seeing. Are we giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Or are we going to judge them, and not give them a second Chance.

A good place to ask….Is that jealousy? Is that pride? Is that the devil, in your thoughts, and you are allowing it?

What would Jesus do?

Just my thoughts, I share this in love, because I need to bring this to the throne of God, and ask for his help to love someone. In obedience, and yes love… And yes, give them a second chance.

Blessings, and much love,

Elena Ramirez


Father, I am your servant, and I humble myself before you.  I ask for forgiveness, and just ask for guidance.  Because basically, I am annoyed.  I don’t understand why I feel this way….but I bring it to the obedience of Christ, and I ask you to change this, and help me.  Help me to walk in love with others, and to not compare myself, or to compete, or to even be unhappy, when someone else is rejoicing.  I kind of feel like its gloating, but thats none of my business.  I just don’t want to lose my blessings, or hinder my relationship with you, because I am taking my eyes off of you, and looking at that situation.  I give it to you, and I ask that you bless that person, in all things.  I ask that you bless me too, but I sure do want to please you first.  So that I know, that I know, I am changing, I am growing, I am seeking your truth, and ways….and yes love, by the example of Christ.  Thank you Lord, In Jesus name.  Amen 

YOU ARE A SOLUTION TO A PROBLEM ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Did you know you are a solution to a problem?  You can fill in the gap and make a way.  I truly believe, every gift, and calling that God places in us, is meant to be used, for solving a problem.  You may have some uncanny ability, to problem solve, any way, but how do you use your gift?

Many do not even know what gift they have, and I will be perfectly blunt here, but they do not know, because they have not committed, it to God, to be used by God.  So, I will bring some perspective here, by my gift, of writing, and prayer, and tell you to pray.

Pray, to God, that your gift, whatever it may be, would be used for his glory, and then, I tell you something else…. Pray for others, and their gift.  Pray, when you see a problem.  And don’t just say you will pray, PRAY.

In other words, for instance, you read an e-mail, and you read of an illness.  Write that person, even if it is just a brief note, and pray.  TWO IN AGREEMENT BRINGS CHRIST IN THE MIDST OF THIS.  Or if a friend confides in you.  Pray.  Stop, and grab that persons hands in prayer.  There is so much, we need to pray about any way.  But, if it is even a small utterance, before God, He will honor that.

We need to see in the spirit realm, and realize, our gifts and callings, can be put into effect by prayer.  When you pray for someone remember to pray for their gift and calling to be put into effect, so the glory of the Lord, can be revealed, and manifested in their life, so they can produce fruit.


Fill in that gap, by prayer….

I think, if we begin stirring up this gift, by praying for others, for their gifts to be manifested, we can make a change, for each other, for our families, for our friends, our nation, our world…..

We can be a solution to someones problems, by just saying a prayer.  Sometimes, when I am walking, I just say a prayer for the stranger I see.  An overweight person.  Or the angry mother.  Or the man driving down the road, drunk.  I pray….

I pray for God to intervene in that situation.  So the plans of the enemy would not be blocking the gift in their life.  And that they could be victorious!!  That they would know God.  Pray….Let us pray for one another.  CONFESS YOUR FAULTS ONE TO ANOTHER, AND PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER, THAT YOU MAY BE HEALED.  THE EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS MAN AVAILETH MUCH!!  JAMES 5:16. That prayer of just healing, can cause someones gift to be manifested.  You are effective!! You can do so much….I want to stir you up, and inspire you, because you can do it!!!  For the glory of God, let us pray….For the gifts and callings of others to be manifested!!  So you can be effective!!!

Do you remember, where in the Bible, of Matthew 25, it talked about the servants who had been given talents, and how they were used?  Some were able to multiply those talents, and some were not able?  When the man returned, (Jesus) he could see, who used their talents, and who wasted them.

The difference, I believe, was in committing it to God.  So, I want you to remember this, your talent, can be used, but you have to use it.  Don’t just put it in the ground, and leave it there.  Ask God!  He will guide you.  So pray for yourself, and pray for others….So God can say;


Don’t you want to hear that?  I know I do.  So as I thank God and praise him, I pray…..I pray for you and others, and myself….

You would be surprised, what a little seed can do.  Plant it in prayer, and let it create a harvest.  To solve someone’s problems.  I just know, even as I have written this, I have touched someones heart, to know, to pray.  To stir that gift.  You are a solution to a problem.  And so am I…..

Just my thoughts…. With love, I pray for you.

Elena Ramirez

A Prayer of Hope…

Father, I do pray, for each person reading this.  I pray, first of all for their salvation, and that they know you.  But then I pray, for each gift, and calling you have placed within them.  To fill in the gap.  Lord, that is my goal here.  For them, and myself, as we pray.  Lord, they have the ability to do something great, and in this greatness, it is a blessing.  It is a solution to a problem.  Lord, I pray, for ways, to bring this forth.  I cancel, any words, any obstacles, that have caused this gift, not to flourish.  I pray, for caregivers, of this gift to come forward, to nurture it.  I pray, in return of this gift, I and those who read this, would be mindful, to pray for others.  So their gift, and the gift of others, would go forward.  Lord, stir up our spirits, to be problem solvers, in your name.  By at least, saying a prayer…What a better world it would be, if we could just tell you, and you would take care of it, according to your word.  Lord, I want to fill in the gap, by prayer, by committing it to you.  AND BY EVERYTHING, I WRITE…..THAT “JUST MY THOUGHTS” WOULD BE YOUR THOUGHTS!!  In Jesus name.  Amen

All Copy Rights Reserved by law

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

If ever doing a word search for my Prayers of Hope, here at wordpress.com

Check out, the key word of:  “Prayers of Hope.”  Or search here, on my blog.

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!







REVENGE WHAT DOES GOD SAY ABOUT IT? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez


A strong warning, knowing God wants us to be aware first, that we are not to repay someone else, with evil, for the evil they have given you.  

Are you struggling with this?  Are you so close to the verge of wanting to let someone have it back, and you are contemplating revenge?  

You are in a dangerous place if you are.  So you are angry?  Well remember this as well.  

Ephesians 4:26-27


So that means you are called to forgive.  The word tells us, we are to forgive.  

Mark 11:25-26.

And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any; that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.  But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. 

It is hard sometimes, but if we have gotten to the place, where we are listening to the devil, and with our emotions, conceiving the sin in our hearts, it can actually turn into something, you would regret.  This is a time, to be reminded we have to take it to the obedience of Christ.  

II Corinthians 10:5-6

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. KING JAMES. 

Do you see that last part about revenging yourself to be obedient, instead of disobedient?  That is where God, will bless you, and take vengeance on your enemy for you.  So be obedient to God.

We need to have a mindset, a natural obedience, to believe God, and to bring this to the obedience of Christ.  Bring it to the cross.  Remember what Christ has done for you.  To set you free.  Don’t let the devil tempt you into this.  

One because you could do something, you would regret, but more importantly, God would see this, and you do not want to be judged for taking matters into your own hand, where here he tells you vengeance, is mine.  I will repay.  He will take care of it.  You are precious to God.  He loves you.

Reacting from our emotions, in any situation, is really very dangerous.  As we mature in Christ, we can let the Holy spirit, kick in, and take control.  Can you imagine, how many jail cells would be empty, if people, would heed what the word of God says, about forgiving, about not taking matters into our own hands?  Forgiving, is for our own good.  Someone once said, in passing, not forgiving, is like taking, poison yourself, and expecting the person, who did you wrong to die.  Its just not going to happen.  Instead you would be poisoned.  

Do you really want them or anyone to have that kind of an affect on you, for the rest of your life?  Let it go….

Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.  He will deal with them.  He certainly, does not need your contribution in this matter, and He can take care of things himself.  He has a way, of making things turn around.  But you have your part.  

You have to give it to him, trust him, walk away from this, forgive, and walk in love.  Even if your heart is broken, even if you are so angry, do not let that settle in your heart and spirit.

You may never trust that individual again.  But don’t take matters into your own hands.  You would reap, something that you would not want in your life.  Eternal damnation, is one possibility, without repentance.  So think about that, and let go, and let God.  He will take care of this for you…. 

And before I close, remember what James 4:6-8 says, don’t be proud in this, hard-headed, thinking. It is your job to avoid.  

But He giveth more grace.  Wherefore He saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.  Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil and He will flee from you.  Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. KING JAMES. 

I know, I am writing this for someone, if you would like to share your thoughts, please feel free.  I would pray for you.

And as I conclude:  remember this…

Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer;  Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power;  When He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day. II Thessalonians 1:5-10  KING JAMES. 

All you are called to do, is love them, forgive them, and release this by keeping Gods love unified in your heart….Know that God will take care of those who have hurt you, or offended you, and know they will be punished. All you have to do is forgive, and put it in Gods hands.  So you can go on.

Blessings, and Just my thoughts….Elena Ramirez

A Prayer of Hope….

Father, how I praise you, and love you, for teaching me your ways.  In obedience, there is peace, joy, and yes protection.  Lord, I think of David, and how Saul hated him, but David walked in love.  He could have hurt him back many a time, he could have done much for the things Saul did to him.  But instead he honored him, he even honored his family, after he was dead and gone.  Lord, there are times when we are so angry, and so hurt, we could do wrong, in your sight, and do things we should not.  But how grateful I am that you will take care of it.  We do reap what we sow, so we need to be so careful not to reap curses into our own lives, by having this mindset to take revenge.  Lord, thank you for showing me love.  Thank you for forgiving me, as I forgive others as well.  In Jesus name.  Amen


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Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

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Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

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and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!





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A PRAYER OF JESUS TO SEE HIS GLORY ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

“These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.

For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me. I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.”
‭‭John‬ ‭17:1-26‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Jesus loves you…Did you know that?  And as I read this, I came back to this scripture, from one of my earlier posts, of prayer, I listed, with Jesus praying.  Easter has passed, but if you know him.  He is not in the tomb, he is in your heart.  I can’t help but feel how precious his love is toward us.  And as I meditate on this, I realize, how much he does love us.  Folks, he wants us to be with him, and to see the glory……I can only imagine it in my mind.  But, in my feeble attempt to describe it, I suppose it would be like constant sunshine, with beautiful colors, surrounding Christ.  The holiness, of our Lord, is truly the light of the world.  And thats what Christ wants for us as well.  To live and dwell in that holiness.  With him.  Would you trade that, by not making the commitment to love him?  Would you trade that, because you want to be stubborn, in your unbelief, that there is no God?  If you knew, for sure, would you deny God?   The only way you can know for sure, is by opening your heart, to believe, repenting, and let God, do the rest….He is God.  By not taking that chance, is denying yourself, the greatest gift we can have…..His Presence.  The beauty of his glory….May God bless your day.

Father, my Lord Jesus, compelled, to write more of your prayers, here, I cannot help and see your love for us.  How great your love, is, for each one of us, and Thank you, for the gift of my Salvation.  Thank you, for forgiving me, of my sins.  Lord, I thank you, that I know, that I know, my name is in the Book of Life.  Because I do believe.  And you have shown me, who you are.  Faith has done that.  Thank you.  May the glory of your love, shine in my heart, and that of other believers.  For we believe….In the name above all names, my Lord Jesus.  Amen

Dear friend, I don’t know you, but God does.  And I really don’t think it is by chance you are reading this.  It is by divine appointment.  Today you can make a choice, to believe, and repent, and make it right with God, or you can reject this.  But if you do make the choice to believe….God will show you things that you could never know, By believing, but by denying him.  You will never, really know…You won’t know the true peace, that surpasses all understanding.  You won’t know or experience his healing, touch.  The true joy, that comes from living for him.  And oh so much more.  His glory….covers more than we could even think or conceive.  It is fruit, that we have being on the vine with him….But, All it takes is that one ounce of faith, to know what Christ did for you on the cross, and to truly seek him.  You will find love, you will find God.  Don’t lose the chance, we never know, when we will leave this earth.  But this way, you will always know.  You will know, your name is in the Book of life, in heaven, and there you will experience his glory…If you live for Christ, because he died for you…..Below is a link.  Say the prayer of Salvation, and trust God.


The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!
