I AM A “FAITH HELPER” TO HELP YOUR FAITH IN GOD ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do....

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do….
“HOW TO HAVE FAITH” This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS…..
If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link. http://howtohavefaith.wordpress.com

I title this post this way, to make the point.  That I know, that I know, I am a faith helper, to help you, and others in their faith in God.  But I want to make it clear from the beginning.  Its not about me.  Its about God.  Its not about fame, or prosperity or even being acknowledged.  Which can easily begin pride.  

You can know something, but you don’t have to have pride, when you do.  Many times, people will have gifts and callings, and they forget it is a gift from God, and they think its all about them.  They think they are, then superior.  They think, that the ability they possess, is the reason for their success.  Or that separates themselves from other, and makes them better.  Wrong.  Why?  Because first of all God is not a respecter of persons.  


Well, I want you to know and more then anything else in fear of God, I tell you… God wants to get glory in it.  


And, anything, I do to help you in your faith.  Because again, God has gifted me, for His glory, is to show you His ways.  So He can be glorified.  And truly He does deserve glory, for all of the wondrous things He can do.  And does.  For His creation, for His power, for His healing abilities, and so much more.  For He gives life, and He can take it away.  His ways, are not like our ways.  


So, how do we begin, to get Gods thoughts?  How do we begin to get His ways?  I believe with all my heart, it begins with the bible we use.  You see, the King James is old, and has been preserved.  For over 400 years.  God knew.  Just this century men, and publishers began playing with the Holy word, and changed it.  They disregarded the warnings.  But we can see the warnings from the King James.  To get Gods thoughts.  To get His ways.  And I think if we begin to see that, we can begin to have faith.  

We live in a world, where faith, is not always encouraged.  If it was, everyone would be talking about who God is.  They would acknowledge Him.  They would not deny Him.  

Just recently, I saw a motivational speaker, talking, about the abilities people have to get success, or to make a difference in this world.  And this person, did have a sense about him to inspire.  To motivate, with good ideas.  But there was one thing missing.  And that was the foundation of knowing God.  And bringing God into the conversation.  Without that foundation of God, we have nothing to stand on.  

You see, without God, we are missing the point.  We are missing, the truth in why we are created.  Our thoughts, become empty, humanistic, without, seeing our whole being, really does depend on who God is, and who He is in our life.  We become self absorbed, but that can be cold.  That can be empty, without the spark that God can give, and because of who He is.  I wrote more about that in my page above, entitled “Conversations.”  Where I was discussing it with someone.  

Anyway, we all need help.  There are times, we have to come to the bottom of the barrel, if we do not make God a priority.  Life is not easy.  And when there is an enemy, who Christ warned us about, who comes to kill, steal, and destroy.  Without God in ones life, we can fall.  We can be our own worst enemy, because we have not make Christ, the way, the truth, and the life.  

But there are things we have to begin to do.  We have to develop our faith.  This is why I wrote my book.  “HOW TO HAVE FAITH”   By Elena Ramirez.  http://howtohavefaith.wordpress.com  

There are things, I have learned, by trial and error, as well with success, how to develop my own faith.  But you have to try.  

If you deny God, you deny the only true chance, to be the best you can be.  With or without gifts and callings, if God is not the foundation of your life, your life, will truly not meet its potential.  

Once you stop denying God, and start searching for Him, you are then on the road, to make Christ the way, the truth, and the life.  You also though, have to have good doctrine.  And this is so very, very vital, to finding out who God is, but also hearing His voice clearly.  To have the mind of Christ.  

I say this, again, and again, because there are many bible versions out there but they have been corrupted, by the revisions, and changes.  The voice that comes from the King James bible, is the voice that is spoken by the Holy spirit.  But if you make changes to that, you will not hear Gods voice, but the voice of some publisher, or dude, or dudette, who changed it.  And that voice from its origin, is not the voice of God, but the voice of the enemy, the devil.  And this is where the deception is.  I know along with this more then anything, you have to be careful, in which bible you choose.  

Not only do I warn you.  But you must know, according to scripture, we are warned, not to change, add, or delete it.  The most strongest warning comes from Revelation 22:18-19 and this warns one could actually lose their salvation.  Please see it. 

I do recommend the King James.  

So pray my friends, draw close to God, learn who God is.  Seek Him.  Seek to obey Him.   Be thankful to God.  This is also a very important key.  We can overlook.  Start appreciating and thanking God, for every little thing.  Even if it is little.  Little things grow.  Look at it as seeds.  

I do want to help your faith grow.  I do want to help you.  But you have your part.  If you deny truth, if you deny true instruction.  You will not get the results you long for.  

You see, you have gifts, and callings yourself, that can bring glory to God.  But if you do not get this right, even here to begin with, you will not meet your full potential.  You will miss it.  

You could miss it so much, you could lose your Salvation, because you were deceived.  Heaven and Hell are real.  But if you do not search for truth to find heaven, Gods way, you could be your own enemy, and make hell on earth your reality, and future after death as well.  

This is very important to see.  Because sometimes, we are given chances, but if we do not do what is right, we can set the plan for even eternity.  You do not want to miss it.  

So, I pray, you are inspired, to talk about God, search for God, and truly sense with Him, and in Him, you can meet your potential.  Studying Gods word, your King James Bible, and hiding it in your heart, will produce the fruit that gives evidence to your own faith. 

Blessings, and love, Elena Ramirez



https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/413655  Click this link to order the book as an e-book.   http://howtohavefaith.wordpress.com  I have also lowered the price for the book as a paper back to $20.00 in the United States only.

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/413655 Click this link to order the book as an e-book.  For only $10.00
Click this link for paperback  http://howtohavefaith.wordpress.com I have also lowered the price for the book as a paper back to $20.00 in the United States only.

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?

Writing for the glory of God, is the greatest joy, I receive in my gifts and callings. I have always been able to express myself, via writing. It comes naturally to me. I do not get “writers block” because as I submit to God, and His truth according to my King James Bible, the insight, and inspiration comes so naturally to me. My mission, is to bring glory to God in my writing, and speak a word of truth to the Lost, and yes inspire Gods children. So whenever, I have a chance to write for my Lord, I feel honored, that He would choose me to be an expression of His Kingdom, and love.

What do your fans mean to you?

I am always honored, if people see God through my writing. But I want to be careful. Glory and honor, goes only to God. Sure, I enjoy, being favored, and having people be inspired, by my writings. But I don’t want them to see me. I want them to see God, in everything I write. I want God to be so honored and exalted by anything I do or write. Jesus gave us the ultimate sacrifice of love, and I just want people to see His love and truth in my writings.

Tell us about your blogs.

I have a few blogs on the internet. But my most used, and successful blog is entitled: “Elena’s Just My Thoughts:…. Here I write posts that can have an impact on a person, searching for truth, answers, and inspiration. Subject matter can relate to faith, as well as issues that concern family matters, prayer, and so much more. Go to these links if you want to see more.  And yes sign up for the other blogs.  Feel free to share this post with your friends as well, so they can get inspiration too.  

Who are your favorite authors?

I am biased, and I will say this, my favorite author is God, and the inspiration I get from my King James Bible. HE is not the author of confusion. I CORINTHIANS 14:33 FOR GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION, BUT OF PEACE, AS IN ALL CHURCHES OF THE SAINTS. (There is a hint in this, perhaps a riddle, but the truth of who God is, as a writer can bring it to truth. Ask me, and I will tell you the answer to the riddle. To eliminate confusion.)So, yes, in further contemplation of this question, there are many outstanding, and wonderful authors, that do inspire me. But I am careful to be cautious, in who I recommend, when it comes to spiritual matters. And who I recommend as authors. I have seen some who I so admired, and then they may do something, that may go against the truth or they will water down scripture, etc. So, lets just leave this as it is……

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?

Hope in God. Inspiration, from the Lord, that tells me, no matter what I am feeling, or going through, God can change my circumstances. I suppose this is why I wrote my book. “How to Have Faith ~ My Secret Principles of faith with a true and living God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Because I have been at the bottom of the barrel, I have been down and out. I have learned to have faith, and even the hard way. But God….He has taught me never, ever to let go. Because with God all things are possible. With just this scripture, I can have inspiration to start my day. And not only survive, but thrive. BEHOLD I AM THE LORD, THE GOD OF ALL FLESH: IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR ME? JEREMIAH 32:27.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

My relationship with God, my family, and home, are the most pleasurable things I find in life. Its not always the big things, but the quiet time, and inspiration I get to refresh myself, in my time, that pours so much into me. Spending time, with true Christian friends, means so much to me. At this time in my life, I have weeded out friends, who were masquerading in friendship. So when I spend time with friends, who appreciate me, and love me as well as my family does. I have a sense of Gods fellowship in this time as well. It is love….

When did you first start writing?

I began to see my writing skills, when I worked in the corporate world. Whenever, I had a need, I would submit a proposal, or I would document my thoughts. I began to see, that I could get results by my writing. The power of the pen, is a gift, that I do not want to use, for anything, but for things that are good, and right, and yes inspired by God Almighty. To speak to someone who is hurting, or broken. To bring light, and hope, in a world, that needs truth. I never want to hide truth. I never want to give place to the enemy, when I can share what God says. So I write. I write what Gods word says, from my King James Bible, and that is my foundation, for anything I write. What does Father God say about it? Ask me, in my blogs, or for my book. I will try to help. The Bible really does have an answer. Yes…. Truth, can be expressed by writing in such a way, that it can leave someone breathless, set free, and in awe, totally inspired.

Are you available to speak publicly to discuss your book?

Yes, I am available to go to your church congregation, ladies group, or business function. I can give my testimony, and share what God has done for me. I can tell you, why my book, “How To Have Faith, My Secret Principles of Faith, is based on a true and living God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.” It was written, from all that I have gone through, and I have learned. These “Secret” Principles I have learned, may not be a secret to some, yet to some they are. I just know, that we all need to grow and learn, and yes I still am learning, but one must choose to grow, and yes tweak your faith. If it is even just one thing I can pass down to someone to learn about faith, and what pleases God this will be worth the investment of the book. And isn’t that what it really is all about? Pleasing God, so we can get answers to prayer. To develop our relationship with God. And yes increase our faith. I know that I know there is a God, a wonderful King, and savior. Jesus Christ, and yes a Holy Spirit that does know us inside and out. And there is so much more. Its not about religion, it is about developing a relationship according to His “principles” to have faith. Go to the link for “my profile” that I have for ordering my book, (paper back) to e-mail me. Or my Facebook page. There you will get updates and posts of inspiration as well. You will need to request my “speakers packet.” And yes please, download the book here at Smashwords.

In Conclusion and Please Note New Price Reduction:

As of today, March 13th, 2014. I have lowered the price from $17.00 to $10.00. Why to ten dollars? Because a tenth is Holy unto the Lord. Leviticus 27:32. I have been mindful of people and their budgets, and the price of a book. Where truly I understand, your not getting a book, to hold in your hands.
You are getting knowledge, insight into God. From your reading device. And because I know the value of these “secret Principles” I know the value, exceeds monetary expectations. But it really is up to you. What your spiritual growth and desire is to pay for such knowledge. To me, all that God has taught me, I cannot put a price tag on. But I am grateful, and I want to help others. But, I have invested a lot of time, and prayer, into this book. And God guided me through each page, that I wrote. I know, that I know, “Secret Principles” that could help someone. To grow, to understand Gods ways.
It is always a choice to grow, or not to. This book will instruct you, but give you true insight, to inspire you in the goodness of God, so your faith can grow. It is for the serious of heart. For the person, longing to know God, and to see beyond spiritually in Christ. And to avoid grieving the Holy Spirit. This is so very important to understanding Gods principles. That to some it is a secret. And they have no idea. They may be deceived, and I talk about what one can do to “Renew The Mind In Christ.”
I encourage you to read the free, first five percent, of pages that I have allowed to get a better understanding of my heart, and yes Gods heart in these “Secret Principles.” Click the bottom link to direct you to the sample. You will want to order it. And if you do not you will never know. Yes, what God could have shown you through this book. And I do not say that to be arrogant, but very humble, knowing the gift God gave me as I wrote this book. I know my Lord, I know Him, and His beautiful Spirit. I know His truth, the Holy King James Bible, I know the author, and He does have standards, that many do not understand the principles to His ways. But I do. I know His heart, in Love. Faith pleases God, and He showed me. I receive it and I share it in His love. Obedient, to Christ.
This book will show someone how important Salvation is. It is a great book to give to an unbeliever, as a gift for someone searching, for answers. You can buy it for someone, who needs faith. And bless them. And you can buy it for yourself, and bless yourself. This book will not return void. Even if it is one thing, that is revealed….I know, it can show you. HOW TO HAVE FAITH ~ MY SECRET PRINCIPLES OF FAITH WITH A TRUE AND LIVING GOD, JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.

What “proof” do you have that any of these secret principles work?

This morning the Lord spoke to my heart, and I could sense, in my heart, that people need proof. I am trying to get people to see, these secret principles that work for me, but faith, is very personal, and sometimes very private. I want people to see who I was before Christ, but also who I am now. And God has made all the difference. I give Him glory. 

The whole book is proof because I know. But if you are looking for “fruit” as proof. My marriage, to my husband is evident. I have true love. I have a marriage, that God has blessed. And there is a reason, why it is blessed. I give instruction, and yes definite reasons why in my book. 

You see, I understand, how it feels to be lonely, broken, and lost. For many years, I thought, I missed the boat, plane, and train to true love. I thought I was doomed to not find true love. I walked alone for many, many years. Yes, I prayed for a mate. And God brought my husband, but what we did and did not do, has brought an everlasting love to our marriage. 

I call it a Faith Secret principle to true love. It is not something, to be honest, I wanted to write about. But God instructed me to write about it. And I did, and this is the proof, I have. I have been married for over 25 years, and very happily. And I do attest this secret, to our success. In fact I know it. This is the proof. 

I want you to grow in who you are, and yes, I do emphasize these principles, but if you are looking for true love, yes, I have the proof in my book, and I share it. It is chapter 26. THE SECRET PRINCIPLE OF MY FAITH TO TRUE LOVE. 

Yes the proof is also who I am in Christ, and how I have changed, but that may not mean anything to you. Because you cannot see beyond your own loneliness, and loss of having someone to share life with. And I understand that. I was there, alone, broken and very lonely. I know the difference. 

If you are lonely, and broken, and you have given up hope, about finding true love, I want to encourage you. Or if you are in a relationship, that needs to be fixed, this remedy can work as well. This can change. And yes, if you follow my instructions in this, that is in my book. I know you will find success and happiness. And yes true love. This proof may be what you need, for your own life to change. Yes it is my secret to true love, and it is proof to me, God has principles. And I obeyed. 

Living happily ever after….

Thanks and blessings…to Smashwords, and to all who have taken time out of their day to read this. 

Elena Ramirez ~ Christian Author

Published 2014-03-16.



Or order the paperback at this link.  For $20.00 


DID YOU KNOW GRACE IS STILL A LAW? By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

IMG_0090I love how the Holy Spirit speaks to me, to give me understanding. Just out of no-where, but after a prayer…..This is when the Holy Spirit spoke to me, that grace is still a law.

There are mysteries my friend, that only God can reveal, but where they in their simplicity, can be those “Ahha Moments” Where it just makes sense. Where the understanding increases, because one knows Gods ways.

The goal is to get the mind of Christ.  To try, and understand God, in the mystery of who He is.  But you cannot know Him, unless you know His commandments, His word, His law.  I always promote the King James Bible.  For this reason, it is not compromised, it is holy, anointed, and powerful.  Nothing missing.

God does not change, we do.  He is a mighty and powerful God, and to honor Him, is to fear Him, to love Him, to see we are nothing without Him. Life is not life, without Christ. So I take every word and I ponder on it, I chew it, and swallow it, for it is my spiritual food. It becomes a part of me.

Today, as I was pondering on some teachings, that teach grace, which is what we are saved by, but deny the law, I prayed.  I hear so many teachings that go on, and on, about the grace.  But it is almost like they dismiss the law, they denote it, and they give it no balance in their teachings.  Yes, we have grace by Christ.  But there is a balance in there.  Let me ask you this, why did God give us the law to begin with?

Because He saw, mankind, did not have any understanding, or know how to live.  Between right and wrong.  Yet there is no way, we all can keep the law, because we all sin, and come short of the glory of God.  But you do not deny it.  You do not deny the law.  It is still there!

So God sent His son, so he would take the law, the penalty for our sin.  Yet, Christ told us, He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.

The Holy spirit, spoke to me, that GRACE IS A LAW. It comes by the blood of Jesus.  It becomes law, a law of grace, when you give your heart to Christ.  

Without that law, you are not protected.  You are not extended grace.  You are subject to be sent to hell, without it.

But you need to know the law.  All of God’s law.  To grow, to have a parameter, to test your own spirit.  And there are so many teachings, that actually dismiss the law. And I want you to be aware, when you hear these messages, that they do not give any foundation, or understanding, to how the law would affect us, without grace.  One cannot appreciate grace, unless we know Gods law.

There is the old and new testament.  And yes we are in a new covenant with Christ.  And there are things we do not do, say for example sacrificing anything, because Christ became the sacrifice.  But we are to know, the law.  We are to ponder on it.  This is where our conscious becomes aware, of the condemnation, or the conviction of it.  This is what gives us understanding to grow, and to depart from sin.  And let me just say this.  Condemnation comes from the devil.  Conviction comes from God, so we can change our ways.  And REPENT!

God did not give the law, for nothing, it still is in affect.  It still has principles that are established.  Gods word in a lot of scriptures tells us to love it. Psalms 119, talks about the word, the law, and Gods ways….

I recommend reading it. From the King James Bible.

Let me just say this, without getting into a deep theological debate or conversation. To know Gods law, means you know God. You understand Him. The grace, then is so appreciated, because you know then by Christ you are not under the law.


But you have to know the law, to understand God. Yes, even with the fear of God. For when that kicks in as well, you understand, how precious your salvation is. For God holds our lives, and our souls, in His hands.


Just my thoughts, with love, in service to God, and you, by Christ, Elena Ramirez 

Father, teach us your ways, your law, so we can understand how precious our salvation is.  In Jesus name.  I will not dismiss your law, but with all my heart, because of what Christ did, I will honor it, as much as I can, because you have given it to us.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Please Note:  These are my thoughts, they are not up for debate or for argument.  You may take this or leave it, but it is not my intention, to get into an argument over this.  My promptings are from the Holy Spirit, and from the word of God.  For I do love, God’s word, and law.

But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law, for they are unprofitable and vain.  A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.  Titus 3:9-11

My book HOW TO HAVE FAITH, is coming out soon.  Look for the announcement and the price of it soon……If you want more information about it, just check out on the top of this page, the announcement of my book, for more information, no prices yet, but a greater sense of what the Book is about.


GETTING OUT OF THE BOX ~ THINKING WITH CHRIST! ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Does God love us, even though we do not know him?  Or we may know him, but we keep missing the mark?

Yes we know John 3:16.  For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Yes, God loves us the way we are.  But, because of who He is, He knows, we can have potential, that far exceeds our own expectations.

Today, I want to, tap into that source, of who He is.  With love, with His word, with prayer, and praise.  I know His word is the key.  I want to expect, great blessings, but more then anything, I want to see my faith, reaching those new heights.  To speak to my mountains.  To change, if I am doing anything wrong.

I do not want to stay the way I am, I want to reach others for Christ.  And more then anything, I want to see my life fulfilled, because of who He is.  I want to grow every day. Never content, with who I am, but because of who He is in me.

I have such a strong sense, a determination today, as I write this.  That I can only attribute it, to the Holy Spirit, speaking to me, prompting me, motivating me…..I feel so different.  Its that feeling, that “I know, that I know.”  And it just gives me that “unction to function!”

Today, I am content, I am thankful, grateful.  For each and everyone of my blessings, that God has provided.  Not by me, not even my husband, or my own family, but by God. And I am so grateful for my family.  They bring me so much.  But this glory goes to God.  For He, is life, and life is not life without Him.  God, my Father, my Lord, who sustains me. By His mercy, and grace.

But I sense, I am not reaching my full potential, so I am stirring up, my spirit, I am stirring up your spirit, and anybody else who may read this, to know, there is a way!  Christ, is that way, the truth, and life.

I am not content in the sense, that I am just happy, to let life go by me.  Without giving it my all, and all.  Sometimes, we can become complacent, and you know, it is good to rest at the feet of the Lord, and not get into spiritual battles, but when one has opportunity, to do great things for God, for others, for themselves, then they should tap into that.  And take a risk!  Take a chance.  Get out of your comfort zone, and explore the options.

Christ is holding your hand, and will guide you.  I know some pretty talented, people…..(everybody I know)  For you see, you each possess, a gift, a calling, a special talent, or attribute, that you excel at.  No one else, can do what you do, for it is your unique blessing, God has given you.  But many just let it coast for them.

I refuse to do that, any more.  Any chance, I get to share the good news of Jesus Christ, especially, here in my writing, I am going to be first in line.  I am going to run up there, and wait, for my chance.  Why? Because of who Christ is. Because of what He has done for me!

Many say, that once you reach success, one may slow down, or get lazy in trying.  I would hope that would not be, the case for me.  I want to get past the obstacles.  I want to be a soul winner, in a big way.

It would not matter if I reached success. From the perspective of the world.  I do want success, but because of who I am in Christ.  For, the goal, the objective, always, as Christians, is to live a life worthy of Christs sacrifice.  It means, being an example of love.  To help others, reach Salvation, for their souls, to spare them from hell.  And to bring glory and honor and praise to God, for his plan.

So you see, there are so many souls who really do not know Christ.  So it is our responsibility in this life, to serve God, and others in this. I can only commit, that what I do in my writing, praying God will guide me, to reach others for His Kingdom.  Even if it is just one soul, who may read this at a time.  Angels rejoice, when one sinner, accepts Christ, and ensures their salvation. Luke 15:10.  So even if it is one soul at a time.  I want to make a difference.

So, I am thinking out of the box.  I am thinking past, what others may think of me, or by those who try to stop me.  By reaching out, and discouraging me, or speaking against me.

Have you ever heard of the theory of the crabs in the box, on the sand, and every time, one tried to get out, another crab would try and block it, or stop it?  Well, I have known some crabby people in my life. I have known people, who could have stepped, up, and try to help me, but they let the opportunity fail.  And fall.

They knew I was in ministry.  Some knew, (not all) but some knew, I was a soul winner, and they hurt me.  Some again…(not all).  But those that did….They knew, I had a good word.  They knew I was a soul-winner.  They knew, I was trying to get my book out in the market, when I self-published it.  ( A Book Of Remembrance~ 365 Days to a Personal Relationship with God~ A journal)  They knew, I was looking for a publisher, and they had connections.  They knew, I could speak publicly, and yet denied me access to their churches.  To speak to their women, to their groups.

I have seen some jealous people, who do not try to help, others, because they see the inadequacies of themselves.  Or they just hated me.  (see my post “Have you Been Hurt by Religous people, you thought, were brothers and sisters in Christ.)

They knew….and all I can say, is I forgive them.  And God bless and help them.  I believed, even though, they knew, it was not my time.  I knew I had to grow some more too.  I knew, I had to let God totally change me, and refine me.  It is a daily process, of commitment.  God knows, so even though, I say, “they knew and did not Help me.”

GOD KNEW…..I know, God had to make changes.  So I am at peace with it.  Maybe I am ready now, I don’t know.  I do know this.  There is a God, and He has His ways.  He is the way, the truth, and life.  John 14:6.  And I know it more, then I ever knew it.

But some knew….and they did not help. And I have to express that, maybe even to purge it.  But it is o.k. I am at peace with it, because I want God to get the glory, and honor for it.  And God has the right people, with the right heart, for Him, and the vision God has given to each of us, to fulfill it. For the souls, we are to reach His Kingdom.

It will be done.  Because I am getting out of my box of thinking, with God.

Dear one, I know I am not perfect.  I am not always tactful, I try, but sometimes, I do make mistakes.  I can be blunt.  It can offend.  I can come on very strong.  But, you know what, if I am strong, I am strong because of Christ.  If I am blunt, it is because I know the truth.  If I err, I pray, I err on the side of love.

I never, want to hold any one back.  And if I can help someone, in the future, when, I become successful in the sense, that I can share blessings….I can share money, or favor, or opportunity, I will.  Because I know, what it is like, to need help, and people deny you.  And I don’t want to be that person, who holds anybody back, in their gifts and callings.  I know what it feels like to crave, to need help, and be ignored.  To be rejected…..With all my faults, I pray, never to put someone down, and not reach out, and give a helping hand.  At least to show them the Lord, to give them hope.  Giving love….Not even a hand out, but dignity, to give a helping hand.  Every one needs help. I don’t care who you are.  We all need God, and we need each other.

For I have learned, all of this, but I am getting out of my box of despair, even today.  I am getting out of that box, of negative thinking.  I am getting out of that box, that holds me, and others back.  I am getting out of my box with thinking, its not possible.  It is possible.  With God all things are possible.  Luke 1:37. I am getting out of my box with Christ.

I find it ironic, that my writings are entitled:  “Just My Thoughts” and yes, they are my thoughts, but they have come from experience, from life, from the hard knocks, from loneliness, desperation, sickness, and by healing, and by the mind of Christ, who comforted me, spoke to me, loved me even in my sins, and He has prompted me.  My thoughts, come from Him, and His love, and I will never ever deny, or be so proudful, to think it is just me.  Its God almighty!

So, I am getting out of my box.

And not when I am dead, and resurrected, but now with Him.  LOL. He promised, life, and life abundantly, and I am going to live my life in Christ, past my expectations, and tap into who He is.  Seriously!

How about you?  Are you ready to get out of the box, out of your comfort zone, with Christ?  All things are possible with him.

Today, is a gift, God has given us, not tomorrow, because no one, can claim tomorrow.  Or yesterday, for it is the past.  But the presence now of Christ, is the time, in His presence, and it is a “present.” I am opening the box today, and receiving the gift, Christ has for me today.

I am getting out of my box of own limited thinking with Christ.  The secret to thinking with Christ, is from the word of God.  Just thought, I would express that, again, to give you the key…..

Just my thoughts, with Love, Elena Ramirez

Father, I thank you, and Praise you, and worship you in spirit, and truth.  You know my heart, and I pray worthy to do great things, as I think out of my own confinement.  As I think out of just what I see.  Or feel.  I claim the mind of Christ, for new awareness, of the possibilities, because of Christ.  I bind anything, that is not of you.  I release the blessings, and the open doors, from heaven to do your work.  To do your will, to think out of my box.  To be effective.  I bind your enemy, by the blood of Jesus, and claim a hedge of protection for me, my loved ones, and for your servants.  Lord, I am believing for great things to be done, in your name.  For your glory, for your honor, and for your praise.  In Jesus name.  Let the lost be saved, by my works, that you give me.  That truly come from your Kingdom.  Inspire your people, the lost, by my works.  So that many can come to your throne.  To know love.  For you are love.  Our Lord Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice, that makes this all possible.  Amen

NOTE:  Today, as I post this, it is the anniversary of my Fathers death, many, many years ago.  And it just made me realize, my dad, would want me to be positive, to think outside of the box, to trust God.  After all, he prayed for me.  To be born.  Long story, short, mom, was not able to have children.  Dad prayed for me, and well, I have come full circle in prayer….so wow, this is a milestone, in who I am in Christ, to declare this.  





 God bless you, as you share this post, and share LOVE……

  All Copy Rights Reserved by law

 Prayer of God Ministries….

 The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

 Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

  All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

 I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

 If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

 You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

 I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

 Prayer Of Salvation

If ever doing a word search for my Prayers of Hope, here at wordpress.com

 Check out, the key word of:  “Prayers of Hope.”  Or search here, on my blog.

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

 Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

 and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!







I sense the Lord is giving me a word, to the Christian, who believes, yet lies.  You know lying, is a characteristic of the devil.  And when one lies, in any way, they are taking on the characteristic of the devil, whom God hates.

God gave us His word, to help our lives, to guide us, to instruct us, to command us, to do things His way.  And when we know the truth, and yet choose to give place to the devil, well, we are setting ourselves up.  For curses, for problems, for Gods protection to depart, and so much more.

Because first of all, God is holy, and He calls us unto holiness.  When a Christian lies to another Christian, I don’t think this person realizes, what the Holy Spirit sees.  It grieves, the Holy spirit.  And we all are walking, at different, places, in our Christian walk.  Some are stronger, and some have gotten to a place, where love is evident, or whatever.  We are all growing on the vine, so to speak.  For Christ is the vine, we are the branches.  But when a Christian lies, they are really subjecting themselves, to harsh judgment.

Ephesians 4:25-32 King James, really puts it into a good perspective.

Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.  

(We are called to speak truth to each other, because of Christ, we are linked together, in the spirit) Be ye angry, and sin not, let not the sun go down upon your wrath.  Neither give place to the devil.  (When you lie, you are giving place to the devil.)

Let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.  

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, (lying is corrupt communication) but that which is good to the use of the edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.  And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. (God sees and he is not pleased by that)

Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.  Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.  (Put it away)

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christs sake hath forgiven you.  

In the spirit of the conclusion, God has given me.  To understand, as I share with you….I would go to God, I would repent.  I would see the error of my ways, and I would not want to give place to the devil.  I would not want to offend God.

You know, I see so many broken people, in our society, in our world, and you, and I both know, that lying, has not been something that our society, has really tried to implement in people, to do good, or for their best.  It is just not taught.

But God teaches us.  And His ways, by Jesus Christ, is the only way.  Christ is the way, the truth and life.  John 14:6 And if we want to begin living a better life, sometimes, we have to start with whats really within.  What do we communicate.  It is sad, to see, that a Christian, let alone, a person, who does not know Christ lie.

Even here, to whoever my reader is, go to God, repent, ask him to take that spirit of lying away.  Make him your Lord, and savior through Christ.  Ask him, into your heart, do not give place to the devil.

Know this, when you do lie, you are opening yourself up.  To lose blessings, opportunities, and so much more.  Curses can come in, for we reap what we sow.

Dear one, if you have lied, I would literally take that scripture of Ephesians 4:25 and I would go to that Christian, and tell that Christian the truth.  Especially, if you have lied to another Christian.  Even if you did not mean it.  You still lied.  Sometimes, we have to do things, that prove, we are serious.

Now this is between you, and God, but speaking truth, opens the door, to God, again.  Not lying.  I just feel in my heart, God is trying to correct you.  He wants to bless you, but He wants to see you do that which is right in His sight.

I hope you go to His word daily, but check out Ephesian 4 right now, and let it minister to your heart, and turn away from the evil.  Turn to God.  So you won’t be tossed around, anymore, like this same scripture talks about.

Start now….before it is too late.  I tell you this in His love.  Because His love heals, blesses, and makes us complete.  When we see it, we are changed.  Forever more.  And by that we realize, how precious, our Salvation, how precious, the suffering of Christ is for us.  Because He loves us.  Let not your acceptance be in vain, by giving into the lying.  Turn from it and turn to God.

Blessings, and much love, Just my Thoughts,

Elena Ramirez

A Prayer of Hope and Honor,

Father, obedient, I have written this.  May it minister to your children, to all of us.  So that we would be aware, of the consequences of our sins, of lying, for it truly is a characteristic of the devil.  I give no place to him, even here I submit to you, for your love, and protection, to cover me by the blood of Jesus.  I hate the things you hate, and I love that which you love.  Help this Christian, who has lied, and lies, to put off that ugly spirit, and to submit to you.  Help us all, and if that Christian wrote to me, or called me, I would forgive, for you have forgiven me all of my sins.  I would walk in love.  It is so important, Lord, I see it.  Thank you, In Jesus name. The precious name of our Lord, that suffered for my sins.  Thank you.  Amen 


Please check out my page, and “like” it, to receive my updates, thoughts, and inspiration….

God bless you, as you share this, and share LOVE……

© All Copy Rights Reserved by law

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

If ever doing a word search for my Prayers of Hope, here at wordpress.com

Check out, the key word of:  “Prayers of Hope.”  Or search here, on my blog.

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!






HOW TO GET UNDERSTANDING ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Have you ever tried to communicate with someone, and they are so caught up in what they have to say, that they just don’t hear you? They cannot perceive the message, or the goal of the message, because they may pick up on one thing, and discard the rest of the thought?

I wonder how many times, we do that to God? And how He must shake his head, and just let us be? And He will let us be, for He is a gentleman. He never forces, anything on us. He always gives us choices.

He makes His word, accessible, and available, if we search for Him. He gives us prayer, to have access to Him. But, if in that prayer, and in that time, if we do not stop and listen, how do we expect to get understanding?

First of all, we have to be aware of this. It may very well be a “learned behavior” that we can change, by first of all recognizing, we may have a problem.

Changing your attitude, to recognize, that first of all, try, not to be so defensive, or to always having to spill the beans, in expressing, so to speak….You know God knows, our needs. He knows every thought….but are we listening? We may do that with others, as well.

And even with others, take a deep breath, and be a good listener. Practice makes perfect, and maybe if we are patient with others, maybe we can ourselves, grow, to be more understanding….And understanding of God.

Just my thoughts, with love,

How I long to understand God, and His ways. But I do know, I have to change my own attitude daily. A commitment, to try and listen, and to understand his ways…to please him.

Feel free to share this….maybe it will help bring some understanding, to someone, you are trying to reach…..


A Prayer of Honor and Hope…

Lord, by your Holy spirit, speak to me.  Give me understanding, and patience.  Help me to hear your voice clearly.  Help me to hear others as well, and to have a spirit, that is patient, to listen.  Observant.  Lord, not to tear up, but to build.  To bring you into the scenario, whatever it may be.  To know what to do.  To have guidance.  To grow….to change, to be the best that I can be, in Christ, and helping others along the way as well.  Lord, help me to have understanding.  I ask this in Jesus name.  Amen

Elena Ramirez

Check out, and ‘LIKE’ my new facebook page, with daily quotes, photography, and thoughts, for inspiration daily.  Go to Face book, and copy and paste this:

Elena Ramirez~Just My Thoughts~Christian Author & Inspirational Speaker

© All Copy Rights Reserved by law

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

If ever doing a word search for my Prayers of Hope, here at wordpress.com

Check out, the key word of:  “Prayers of Hope.”  Or search here, on my blog.

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!







I remember singing this, as a child.

Today, I woke up, not in a bad mood, but definitely, not my sweet self. If I do say so myself, since, I know myself. And I was not going to write today. I thought who cares?

And then I read this scripture in my daily morning reading, that is on the photograph, Ephesians 5:11-13, and I thought, you know. If I was the only one on this planet, I would speak the goodness, and saving grace of Jesus Christ. I thought of the saying, “if you can’t beat them, you can join them.” And I thought, if I was the only person in the world, who knew of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, I still would not join the forces of the devil. I will shine for Christ. I will not succumb to the darkness.

When I took this photo, I thought it was wasted, but it is not for it is symbolic. I am the photographer here. My flash shined. But there is darkness all around. I don’t need to be seen, I just need to shine. For Christ.

The devil is darkness, he is not light, he is not truth, he is a liar, and a thief, and he wants to steal the promises God has given us away from us. He does not want us to know truth, to set us free. He wants us to be in darkness. For he has blinded the world.

All we have to do is believe, and take God at his word. And I do. So no matter how much darkness, is about me, or how much the devil, wants to deceive, I am going to be watchful, and let my light shine. I am going to proclaim the goodness of Jesus Christ.

I am going to let him fight my battles, and all I am going to do is put on my armor, and stand. All I have to do is fight a good fight of faith. I don’t have to take on something that is not meant for me. Why do we as Christians think we have to fight the devil? When all we have to do is look to God, and let him fight the battle for us.

I am going to let God get all the glory and honor and praise, in everything, I do. For He gives me His word, it truly is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. So yes, every chance I get, I am going to tell on the devil. I am going to reprove his works of darkness. And maybe in doing so, deliver someone, so they can walk in the light of our Lord. Maybe I will see the fruit of that in someone else or not, as a testimony. But it does not matter. God knows…..So I will not underestimate the power, He has given me to shine for him.

Yes, I am going to let my light shine, for the glory of God. It may be a small light, but with Christ shining in me, I am going to shine bright. For Him. You can too. Maybe you will feel led to share this, and break the darkness around you as well.

Blessings, and much love.

My Prayer of Hope…

Thank you Jesus I praise you for the light, of love, you have given me. I plead the blood of Jesus to break any darkness. In me or those I pray for.

Elena Ramirez

Check out, and ‘LIKE’ my new facebook page, with daily quotes, photography, and thoughts, for inspiration daily.  Go to Face book, and copy and paste this:

Elena Ramirez~Just My Thoughts~Christian Author & Inspirational Speaker

© All Copy Rights Reserved by law

Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

If ever doing a word search for my Prayers of Hope, here at wordpress.com

Check out, the key word of:  “Prayers of Hope.”  Or search here, on my blog.

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!








Dear Reader,

I just want to extend an invitation, to come to my blog, and subscribe, for my daily writings.  “Just My Thoughts.”

I am a Christian writer.  My hearts desire, is to bring glory to God, inspire, his people, and speak a word of truth to the Lost.

Today, I just felt by the Holy spirit, to extend this invitation to you.  I don’t know you, and you do not know me.  But, I know God.  And I am learning so much, from his word.  I want to be able to document, some of my findings, and bring them to you.

As well.  More than anything, I want to be a reflection, of his love.  Real love.  Nothing phony, or pretentious, because we all see through that.  No, I want to be a reflection of his love.  So you can see his love as well.

Like Jesus….with compassion, and understanding, I want my readings to make you feel and sense his goodness.  His truth, that will set one free.  And give one hope….My writings usually end with a prayer.  A Prayer of Hope…  And so, what I want you to see, is someone whose life has been changed.  Because I have been changed by the goodness of the Lord.  And he did it without using someone to judge me.  He used me, to judge myself.

So, if you see anything, I pray you do not see judgement, from my part, toward you, but truth, to make one free.  Not religion, either, that has it’s rules.  Made by people.  No, this is about relationship with Jesus Christ, I want you to see…..And when I speak truth, it is not ever, ever meant to condemn, or to hurt anyone.  But to bring freedom.  For to be free in Christ, is to be free indeed.

So please, check out my blog.  And my writings…..And my Testimony, and mission.  And I pray, God bless your day….

Thank you…

Elena Ramirez

Just My Thoughts…..


LOOKING FOR THE LOST ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

That title, caught your eye.   But you do feel lost, don’t you?  There is something missing in your life?  You feel dull, motionless.  As if you are just going through the motions.  Nothing really holds any true meaning.  Sometimes, you self-medicate yourself.  Trying to avoid this dull, lonely feeling.  So you use, substances, people, and even money, to try to get you through this sadness.  That does not go away.  It is always there.  You find yourself getting angry, and that worries you, because you feel like you could snap at any moment.  There is no true peace.  And as the word of God says, there is no peace to the wicked.  Wicked?  You never thought of that before, but as you think about it, yes, thats true.  The reason, you have been places, that were very dark.  You have read books, that were very dark, and seen things, in movies, that were very dark.  Scary….You have also done terrible things, so ugly, that you think you have gone past, a place of no return.  Your innocence was taken.  You carry the weight of it.  And you may have been violated.  It was not your fault, yet you were used, and abused.  You really do not want to live this lifestyle, but thats who you are….So you go with the flow of it, and think that it is normal to live like that.  Yet, You led a normal life, according to most standards.  But, there has been that darkness.  And the fear.  You are so afraid.  But you do not know, what to do to stop the fear, or to get out of darkness, or to have true peace.

But God does….And he sees you right now.  He is calling you.  He wants you to know, he loves you.  So much, that if you would just give in to accepting him, search for him, believe his word.  He would change you, change your circumstance.  He wants you to know, he is able to deliver you from the things that tempt you, and hold you in bondage.  For each time, you go to those darkened places, the devil, ties you tighter, and tighter to him.  You see it.  And you think their is no escape.

But God wants you to know.  That he can break those chains off of you.  He broke those chains off of himself, when he suffered, died and was resurrected.  So, he can do it for you.  Thats the very reason why Jesus came.  To destroy the works of the devil. For it was part of Gods plan, that Jesus, would come, for each one of us.  Yes, the scripture is true.  John 3:16.  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever would believe, would not perish, but have everlasting life.

And you have to understand, this great truth….Salvation is to be found in him alone.  In all the world, there is no one else whom God has given, who can save us.  Acts 4:12

Christ is calling you…He says, All that the Father gives to me, and those that come to me, I will in no way cast out.  John 6:37.

So, what do you have to do? Confess, with your mouth, Jesus as Lord, and believe…in your heart, that God raised him, from the dead, you shall be saved.  Romans 10:9

Heres a Prayer of Hope….A prayer of Salvation.

Father, I know, I am a sinner, I ask for forgiveness, of my sins.  I see this darkness, this wickedness, this loneliness, that scares me.  I want peace, and joy in my life.  Lord, I am taking a step to you.  I want to live right.  Who wouldn’t?  Lord, I do see that I need a change.  Help me.  Show me, who I can be.  Lord, Come into my heart.  I do accept your son, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and savior.  Fill me with your Holy spirit.  I believe, he suffered, died, and was buried, and was resurrected for my sins.  I believe, and see, and hope, to know you.  Break these chains off of me.  Now, and even as I pray this, I know, angels are rejoicing over me.  I am free.  And I know, when I die, and I pray, it won’t be for a long time.  But I know, I will be with you.  For eternity.  Thank you Lord.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Now all you have to do, is renew your mind.  You have to get rid of that stinking thinking….From the past.  Start reading your Bible.  It will comfort you, change you, and you will see the transformation.  I recommend the chapter of John first, in the new testament.

Then tell others, because there is a change in you now.  You are free!!

Your not sure why you are reading this, because you don’t normally look at things that pertain to Christianity.

It is not by chance you read this, or by chance, you let this come into your heart.  God was looking for you.   He did not want you to miss this….opportunity.

Obedient, I write this for you….Because I was also once lost, but now found.  The reason, I can describe all of those things above, is because that was once me.  But now, and it has been a long time, since, I have peace, joy, and true hope.  Even though, in this world things are not perfect.  No one, and I say no one can take my peace and joy.  Because NOW God is my defender, my comfort, and my friend.  This is why I write this.  Because I have been there, done that, and no longer am I in bondage.

If you need prayer….write to me.

But don’t forget, and this is very important, find a Bible based church.  Where the word of God is taught, and preached.  And Look for the true love, that God can only give.

If the love is not there….don’t stay.  God has a place for you….Don’t ever, ever let people dictate, whether or not, you should or should not follow God.  Don’t be ashamed.  This is not religion, this is now, about relationship with Christ, and he will never leave or forsake you…..

Be blessed, My new brother or sister in Christ.

Elena Ramirez

Prayer of God Ministries

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at prayerofgod@comcast.net.

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.


I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation