STAND WITH GOD ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known and that all the Gentiles might hear and I was delivered out of the mouth of the Lion. And the Lord shall delver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. II Timothy 4:17 King James.

What a wonderful promise. Oh how I rely on Gods holy word to be my comfort. ….

But as I see this point, in Holy King James scripture, I realize, in order for God to stand with me, I need to stand with Him, and for Him.

That requires courage. This is when HE stands with me, and strengthens me. So I may serve Him. So I may have a word in due season. Right now, it feels like the season. Things are so different in so many ways. Its obvious in our world.

Evil is called good, and good is called evil.

So one does pray for deliverance. One does pray to just see the glory of God. The power of God, the majesty, and to see God work mightily on behalf of His people, and for those who are lost.

I do long to see the glory of God. I like seeing Gods power revealed. I like seeing Him use me for that matter, but I love seeing Him get the glory for anything I might do. I do dislike counterfeits. I do dislike corruption, or false ways. False ways, can confuse people. And the devil is the author of confusion. Thats what happens when folks believe evil is good, and good is evil. They give into the evil ways, the delusion, the corruption, the stealing of innocence….

Innocence. Sweet innocence. Where one is clean, and good and has a wonder, but knows there are things not to dabble in. There are things, that can steal that innocence. So, when you know God, you want to keep your clean robes of righteous clean. If that makes sense. To be innocent, to stay innocent. See, when we know Christ as Lord, and savior, we know He came to set us free. We know, that He is the way, the truth, and life. He gave us clean robes of righteousness, but we have to keep them clean, by not sinning, and if we do. REPENT. We know, we are to guard our souls, our spirits, and not let the devil deceive us. Yes, like he even deceived Adam and Eve. God calls us to be holy, for HE is holy. When you understand that, you do guard yourself.

Not everything goes, and this is a misconception, with so many professing Christians, they think Christ saved them, once, and then they are saved. Yes, if you obey. Yes, if you serve God. Yes, if you truly see what Christ did, and you want nothing to do with the works of darkness.

Darkness. Things that are done in secret. Things that are so ugly, they take away innocence. They steal the essence, of beauty, and goodness, for that very reason. The devil wants to hide and do dirty deeds, and not be discovered. And he can get away with it, if God does not step in. For that very reason, I rely on God to step in. To bring light to a situation. To overthrow, the works of darkness. God sees…

But no you have a responsibility. You do. You cannot play with your salvation. And I see so many just taking grace for granted. Taking life for granted for that matter. We live in the greatest nation on earth, and you know we are so blessed. But we should never take for granted anything we have, or each other. Here in the United States. Our freedoms. Those who died for our country. Those who honor the Constitution. Those who truly understand freedom. But so many do not. And there they are deceived, because of their priorities….

Priorities. I see some folks, who are so wealthy, so beautiful, so blessed, and they give into the evil. They give into the lie. They treat each other terribly. They are not kind. They are uncaring, and if they ever suffered, they forget. They forget what its like to not have, or to see suffering, unattended. Compassion is gone. Back biting, strife, gossip, wishing ugly, and evil upon each other. It just makes me shudder.

It has to grieve God. It does have to. All I know, is God pulled me out of the mud. Gave me a sense, to honor, to guard my soul.

I am not perfect far from it. But when I know that my priority should be to put God first. I do. And I will.

Just sharing thoughts today.

Elena Ramirez

I AM LEARNING TO USE A SECRET WEAPON…. GODS LOVE ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez


If anybody knows me, they know I am a bit of a warrior.  Its my nature, I cannot help myself.  I have always fought.  Most of my life.  I have had to fight to survive.  I have had to protect myself.  Because I did not have brothers or sisters, to protect me. As I grew up.  I have struggled, for many reasons.  Even after, I accepted Christ.

In fact, it seemed to turn into a different kind of a battle, but I brought those street tactics, into my fighting, for Christ.  Because well, thats what I learned.  That was wrong.  And I will state it here, before I go on.  It was wrong.  Because I have overreacted.  Sometimes using street tactics.  Back in your face. Those kind….

So, I have to admit here, those kind of tactics, really do not work well.  They don’t.  Not when you are trying to win a battle for Christ.

What works?  Love.  Gods love, and I will elaborate on that.


But its been a process for me.  Actually.  See, I am older.  Now, and I cannot fight like I used to fight.  Even for right causes.  See, I am a truth seeker, and I am someone, who speaks truth, as much to my ability.  Sometimes, it comes off harsh.  I can be blunt.

There are so many times, I could do that, get in someones face.  I could even now, confront someone, I so admired as a friend, and try to bring the truth, because I loved that person.  But I won’t do it.  See, you come to realize, that if someone cannot appreciate you or who you are and they admit it.  Why should I be the one, confronting?

Upset, trying?   When they should be the one apologizing.  So, no, I say nothing…  This is not my battle.  That person, has the battle within.  I am at peace.  Knowing, I tried.  I gave my best, as a friend.  I was loyal.

But, I have seen, that now that I am older, I want to get victories, I don’t want to lose my sense of peace because of people.  And how they react to me.

I have been hurt, wounded, saddened, by people.  And all through my life, I have tried to give people the benefit of the doubt.  But when you love people, and they still treat you shabbily, and take away the trust you had for them, you make sure you tug on your armor of God a little bit more, and put on love.


Love does something for you.  And then it benefits those around you.  Love, strengthens you.  It gives you courage.  It makes you want others to benefit too.  So, you see how Love works.  It really is one of the greatest characteristics of God.  Who sent us Jesus.  But then Jesus, showed us His selfless love, by teaching us, about God.  By teaching us, how precious, our salvation is, if we give our hearts to Him.  Because He gave the greatest sacrifice of love.  His life for us.  He paid the penalty for our sins.

God is showing me, be careful not to get distracted.  If you are going to fight.  And I hear His sweet voice telling me…Remember my love, remember a soft answer.  Remember to point them to me…..If you do this, I will win the battle for you.  

See, the things that I have gone through, with folks, with life, with situations, with my lack, etc.  Could make me bitter, mean, and poison my soul.  I refuse to go that route.  Especially now that I am older.  I saw what hate did to my mama, and I refuse to take that route.  Though, I don’t blame her.

But it has broke my heart many times over.  And yet, I won’t give up.  I won’t.  See, there are things I see in our world, that maybe, I cannot do it alone, but I am not alone, Christ is with me, and He has taught me, and shown me a new weapon.  Thats all I need.IMG_2868

I guess, I have known about it, but He prompts me when to use it.  Its like Jesus, is standing there, and when I am faced with opposition, hate, etc.  He prompts me to speak in love, walk in love, and not react to the hate.  He steadies my soul, He calms my spirit.  I don’t have to get in that angry place any more.  Or that overly defensive mode.  He gives me courage, in the face of evil.  Hate. etc.


See the enemy, only wants to disrupt a person.  He wants us to get out of our love walk.  He wants us to have pride, and not apologize, or make amends with people.  He wants us to hate, to not forgive.  He has been attacking many in the body of Christ, and they are reacting like the world.

Sad when you see it with other Christians, or with people you love.  But they forget, about grace, and love.  They react with the same unforgiving tactics that the world would do.  When the enemy uses folks, to throw those darts.  Its easy, to blame the person.  But, there is a poison, that has gone through to many, and the enemy has deceived them.

Its opened my eyes, in some ways.  Thats why I call it a secret weapon.  Because if someone is so ugly, and mean in spirit, they either were hurt, or they were never taught the love of God, and so actually it makes me pity someone.

So, my reaction is different now, in many ways.  I try and react in love, in compassion.  It is my “secret weapon.”

Example:  The other day on social media, a man was very mean, and ugly toward our First Lady, Melania Trump in a comment.  It was despicable.  And it was not necessary.

I told him sir, this is not necessary, don’t do that.  Please. Do you know what he told me?  Well I won’t repeat, what he wrote, but it was very vulgar, very vulgar indeed.  And not only then did he direct it to me, he reiterated his hate toward our President, and our First lady.

The secret weapon kicked in.   I felt shocked for a second.  But the truth rose to my heart, and I told him straight out.

“I hope you repent to God.  I don’t care what you tell me.  But you will care, when you stand before God.  Have a nice day sir.” 

He did not respond.  A quiet response…… I just hope I made him think.

I sensed, I had peace.  My armor of God was on good and tight.

Heres another response I made, to someone who was being a bully.

No I won’t shut up. You are a bully. I will block you, if you respond, but you know I am telling you the truth. Someone must have really hurt you, and I pray God heal you, but I hope you give this to God, so you can heal. To be a better person & American. Have a good day.

All I see, and know, that my armor of God is on, for sure.  That love is my guide.  That I cannot get offended.  Or I must be careful not to do so.  Thats the difference. Great peace, have they which love His law, and nothing shall offend them.  Psalms 119:165.  And I trust that no weapon formed against me will return.


I cannot even count the many times, the Lord has proved the above King James scripture.  (Yes I always recommend a King James for holiness.) To me. But I do claim it, as my heritage, for I do serve my Lord, and if I have any righteousness it is because of my Lord God through Jesus Christ.

This is why I serve Him.

I remember now, when I use this weapon of love.  The battle is the Lords.  I have to see it. I have to use wisdom, I cannot engage in battles like I used to, so I have to use Gods secret weapon, of love.

I am practicing, and now I am getting good at it.  Better anyway….

If  I plant a seed so be it.  If it does not prosper that’s up to God.  But I just realized more than ever.

Love never fails.



Be blessed my friends, in Christ,


Elena Ramirez




IMG_4575.jpgI feel led to write about communication.  With one another, with God, with others, and as a Christian, I feel I am more indebted to try and communicate.

Most of my problems I have had in life, or with others, are due to not getting communication.  Where things may seem to be fuzzy, or where someone, may take the incentive, but will do something and not communicating.  Or where something is assumed.  

Or where I was expected to do something, but I did not know.  So because communication was not reinforced, things fell through, or did not get accomplished.  

Its so vital, to communicate, and I think thats why I have since, an early age, tried to articulate my thoughts, actually by writing them down, and communicate through writing, because I have not always been confident, or been a great orator.  But that changed when I began writing my thoughts, as a reference.  So I overcame that to build up my self esteem.

In business, I learned to document my thoughts, and situations, because you need a back up sometimes.  To determine, what was communicated, and if it was not, then I had my notes to refer to.  To show, this was what was communicated.  

I used to work for the phone company.  And I used to joke to some, that the phone company, was responsible for providing great phone service to others, for having the tool as the phone. But inside the ranks of the company, there were times, communication was not available, and things were not understood, and the protocol, for even sharing information was difficult.  To receive or share.  Whose who?   Who do I need to contact, to communicate with?

Recently, I have had situations arise, where communication was vague, or where someone, actually did not communicate with me, and misunderstandings did occur. And I am not going to give the enemy fuel, if I remain silent.  I have my part.  And I see how the enemy can only come to destroy, when communication is not available. 

I have a neighbor, who just recently overstepped, her authority in a matter, because she did not communicate a problem with us, and tried to rectify a problem on her own, concerning our fence.  If she had only come to us, and stated there was a problem with the fence, and asked for our assistance, we would have been glad, to help.  Or, if she had asked for permission.  But she did neither, and now consequently, the situation has gotten so bad, by her lack of communication, that we are at odds with each other.  And its sad.  

With my friends, who I love dearly, things like that can also occur, if one person, is assuming something, but the communication is not clear, feelings can get hurt.

Or with family.  Who I love dearly.  With my hubby, or son, we often have little powwows, so we can get to the root of a problem but we communicate, so we all understand each other.  And I will just say here, everyone, needs that, to feel important or understood.  Then we pray to God, because we always need to communicate to our Lord.

So I try, really hard to communicate.  And I also ask for feedback, to see if my message was conveyed, and understood.  When one does not make the effort to do that, things, can fall through the cracks.  

I really feel like God is telling us, we have a responsibility to communicate.  Is it easy?  Not always.  Confrontation, can make it seem like war.  But the enemy would rather have us shut up, then to communicate.  Even if I do not agree with someone, I so appreciate, the effort when communication is presented.  It helps.  

But when someone goes silent, its mind boggling, because you just don’t know.  So yes, I can be bold, and confront, if I need communication in a matter.  Some things, to be honest, I don’t want to know, but if I am included in a matter, to do something, yes communicate with me.  Its a service we do for one another, but it takes two parties to do it.

I am pretty fair, when I know the facts, but its so frustrating, if you are put on the spot, yet someone did not say, or communicate, this is what I expect.  These are the rules.

Life is funny, and people like to do their own thing but do we really look as well to see, what God says?  Not man, but God, first.  I love my King James bible, because Gods Holy word, is there to give me answers.  God has done His part by communicating and giving us His Holy word.  And I just will say it here, He does not give us something only to think about but if its there, its a commandment.  But He provides, always.  

….Answers to why things happen, but also what God expects.  Sometimes you have to connect the dots, but communicating with God, is so important.  Prayer.  He is the King of Kings, He established His thoughts, but if I want answers I have to talk to Him, I have to search my Bible, I have to see and examine my part and heart in this matter.  Do I communicate, did I communicate my part effectively?

And with others.  Sometimes, I have to apologize. Or repent, and to God, I need to do this often.  Practically every day, because I am not perfect.  In communication.  Sometimes, I have to say, I failed to understand your thoughts, so I reacted this way.

But when someone does not apologize or communicate as well, it is frustrating to say the least.  When I have communicated, but the communication was not returned.  Or understood.  

Maybe thats why I am writing this.  Because communication is so important.  But it is a two way street.  One cannot just communicate, and work at something, while someone does not offer communication in return.

Well, I hope this brings insight, like I say, I am an opened book in many ways, and there are some things I don’t spill the beans about, or blab or communicate about, because it could be misunderstood, but if I try to be honest, and truthful with others and God, it does seem to make things easier.  

Communication always has to be worked out.  

This is what the Bible says about this.  I am glad it does.  Because more then anything I want to please my Lord.  Thank you…Father.  




Blessings, and love,


Elena Ramirez 



I am so grateful to God, that He gave me this book to write for His glory, and for you…..

Please note:  To my subscribers.  I want to inform you that most of my writing is being done on my blog with photography.  This blog is not being deleted.  Please feel free to subscribe there.  I will write here when led, but for now, I am changing my format somewhat.  And implementing my photography more.  I wanted to keep you informed, in case someone was looking to see my posts.  Also here is a link, where you can subscribe to my posts daily on Facebook.

These are my other links, also.  Besides this.

Blessings, and love Elena Ramirez~Just My Thoughts~Christian Author & Inspirational Speaker

Also check out my FB page, like it for updates, you might not otherwise get.

Plz consider me to speak at your church function, ladies group, etc.



If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do.... "HOW TO HAVE FAITH" This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS..... If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do….
“HOW TO HAVE FAITH” This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS…..
If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

More, and more, and more, we see it in the news, we see it in reports, in communications, more and more people are denying God.

They deny Him, by rules and regulations, they try to enforce on others.  They do it, by taking rights away, like prayer.  They try and stifle, freedom of speech.  

They do it by removing Bibles, from hotels, and in any way they can, they try to force their unbelief on others.

Unbelief… can something real, and true, deny Himself, to the world, when He exists?  But when someone does not want to believe.  One must know, God does exist, but He will not change, or deny Himself, but He tests us.

Well, we reap what we sow.  It is a principle.  Like what goes up, comes down.  People, do not see, they are being tested.  Tested, to see if they truly believe, and if they accept what Christ did on the cross.

God for whatever His reasons are, does test us.  Everything, we do is written in the book of life.  All of our thoughts, all of our actions, all of our behaviors, He tests us.  He sees, if we will have faith, or if we will deny Him.  He tests us to know whats really in our hearts, and our souls.

I can only surmise, by what my King James Bible says, which is holy and true, and anointed, that He also tests us to see see if we can know the difference between a counterfeit bible, a corrupted bible that has been changed, and revised.  He tests us.

The words, are commanded not to be changed.  Not to be added to, not to be deleted.  Not to be subtracted.  But people don’t see this truth.  They are being tested.  To obey, or not to obey.  

Do any of you remember the story of Abraham?  Read Genesis 22, from a King James bible. In this story, God tested Abraham.  He told Abraham to make his son the sacrifice.  Up to the very last moment, Abraham obeyed, when the angel of the Lord, told him, not to lay his hand on his son.  

But now God knew by this “Testing” that he was obedient and passed this.  God then promised a great blessing, in telling him.  His seed would possess the gate of his enemies.  And He would multiply Him,  because he obeyed God.  Abraham named that place. Jehovah Jireh….the Lord will provide.  Because God provided the ram, for sacrifice.  Like He provided His only Son our Lord Jesus, as the ultimate sacrifice, for us now, in the new covenant.  

Do you ever think, what you do will affect your future generations?  Like His. Do you ever think how your ancestors, may have had a part in what you deal with now?  I do.  Who knows what they did?  But it was either a curse or a blessing.  

So I want to do everything I can to reverse the curses, and to please God.  In fear of God.  I want Gods blessings, but only if it brings Him glory.      

I see this, and I know, we in this journey of life, we reap what we sow.  In other words, what goes around comes around.  And God is not mocked.  Yes we are being tested.

All of us.  For someday, we will all stand before God almighty.  But…Before that, we will see Jesus in the clouds, and the heavens will be opened.  Angels will be on standby and with the trumpets, they will announce that Christ, the King will be here.  Christ will separate those who are true, and those that are not.  

I believe, we all will be judged.  Because of the testing.  Because the records will be opened.

Friend, I don’t know you.  I don’t know what you have gone through.  Why your heart, is the way it is.

But I want to implore you, don’t be like the world.  If you believe, in Christ, as your Lord and savior, you need to see, what you are doing.  You cannot, and I implore you, you cannot live like the world, and expect your salvation to be in tact.

You cannot.  God has His law in place, His commandments, His ways, and if we do not try to obey, with the fear of God, knowing what the consequences are, we will perish.  People perish, because of lack of knowledge.

We seem to allow all these things that are going on, and we are not strong, in the face of evil.  The battle is the Lords, but God does test you.  When you have a chance to speak against unrighteousness, or to praise God, do you?  Or do you just turn the other way?  And silence is expressed.  But it is not golden.  Not if anything we allow takes away the glory of God.  

Do you expect someone else to do it for you?  I have to look at myself, as well, but with all  I have, I have determined, to give God glory.

Yesterday, I had a revelation of my own personally.  There is much I am grateful for.  That God has given me.  All of it.  There have been things I have asked for, and did not get.  But there is also things, I did not want, and did not get, and I am so grateful.  In this thought, I realized, I do not want anything if it takes away from God, His glory, that He so deserves, and is due.  It was so profound to me, and gave me peace.  Because I am dealing with something personally.  My goal is to only give Him glory, honor, and praise.  Anything else, cannot be the priority.  But Him….

Tested, I know, what He wants.  It is in obedience, with love, that I try, and by accepting Christ as my Lord, and savior, I cannot treat this gift shabbily.  It came at a great cost.  His life for ours, for our sins.

So for us to allow anyone, to take that right away, what does that say, when we won’t stand up for what Christ did for us?

All I know friends, it is written in my King James Bible.  We are tested.  And we reap what we sow.  We can do our part.

But it begins by not denying our Lord and savior.  Even in little things.  He told us, if we were ashamed of Him, He would be ashamed of us, when we are presented to God the father.

Friend, do not be ashamed.  Do not deny God…..The world will pay for it.  But you can be separate from those that have failed the test.

Just my thoughts today, in Christ, and His love,

Elena Ramirez


If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do.... "HOW TO HAVE FAITH" This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS..... If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do….
“HOW TO HAVE FAITH” This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS…..
If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

I realize, we are all on the vine, with Christ at different places. I understand, that sometimes, the things I try to present to people, and what people present to me, is not always understood.

Sometimes, when “people” try to preach or even teach me, they are trying to give me milk. Where I may have been there, done that, and now its time, to eat meat. Spiritually, there are some things we have to take as milk, But when we are ready, we are ready to be used by the Lord, and we have discernment. It is meat. Its not judging someone. It is discernment by the Holy Spirit. It is actually having the mind of Christ.

I just have to be careful, not to get caught up in someones snare, or trap, and to test the fruit of someone. We are called to try each other, and I do. And when people challenge me over, and over. I sometimes, will just end the debate. Understanding we are not on the same page, or we are not even hearing each other.

And with discernment, I have seen wolves in sheeps clothing. I am aware that the enemy will try to infiltrate the body of Christ with deceivers. With lies. With confusion. And I won’t play that game. This is why it is so important more then ever we know, what our King James bibles say. Because there are many false prophets. Many that don’t even know the truth, and they defend lies. I have seen it a lot. Christians, that don’t know truth, that are blind, and they defend a lie. Which is very sad.

I Corinthians Chapters 2, 3, and 4 from a King James bible, gives insight. We just have to be careful and humble in the sight of God. Repentance, brings light.

I do reiterate, even from yesterday I only trust God. Trust is something that has to be earned. And I have trusted and been misled, so I am very careful who I trust. Even in the body of Christ. Sad but true.


I Corinthians 3:2.