Version 2As a Christian are you aware of the Pharisee Spirit that can come to you?  I want to elaborate on this, and really bring it to mind, because it can happen, and that spirit, is very legalistic.  Very cruel, harsh, mean spirited, and well if you think about it….

Think about the Pharisees who came against Christ.

I hope I can write this, from the perspective, of someone, who has experienced the Pharisee spirit, but I have also seen it try and creep on me as well.  And I don’t like it frankly.IMG_2781.jpeg

I don’t like being treated harshly by other Christians, and I have seen it try to come to me, because I have some insight into the word of God.

I have seen myself, react with some, in the beginning of my Christian walk, harshly as well.  My husband, can attest to that.  Because I was totally in warrior mode.  Its not a very pretty thing to do, to be honest.  Lets be honest, its a turn off to see some in that spirit.

It gives Christianity a bad name.  To be totally frank.  And I believe we will be judged, by God Himself, for turning some off, with the “Pharisee Spirit.”

I have seen it many times.  But one time in particular, oh just about three years ago.  We attended a small Christian church.  I won’t say the denomination, because I don’t want to give anybody a bad name.

But, I really admired this pastor.  He had a head full of knowledge, when it came to King James scriptures.  I wanted to go to a church, where the word of God was taught from a King James.  But this man, did not have a kind and loving heart.  As I began to see him, judge other denominations, in the body of Christ.  I began to see a very legal, sense of being with him.

Now, I never deny the “Law” of God, and I know many Christians, think they can rely on grace.  But God is a legal God, He did not flip flop from the Old Testament to the New Testament.  He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow….


Long story short, this pastor, actually threw us out of this church.  He threw us out of my fathers house, because I asked him, in front of the congregation, if he felt “once saved” is always saved.

I want to make note, that I was very respectful to the Pastor.  I did not disagree with him publicly.  I felt like he could have handled the situation, more lovingly, and respectfully.  By talking to us in private.  But he did not.

He answered the question respectively in front of the congregation.  Said no.  Now I dispute that, but thats a different topic.  Even though we disagreed.  I did not challenge him.  I believe, he knew my feelings, because I had given him a copy of my book.  “How To Have Faith.”  There I discuss why I believe once saved, is not always saved.

But afterward.  Well, he wrote a scathing letter, and told us to never return.  Because what I believed would cause discord.

That was a Pharisee spirit.  That he had.  And I understand it now, more than ever.

Enough to define it, to tell you my brothers and sisters in love.  Be careful with the Pharisee spirit.  You may be growing on the vine with Christ.  You may no longer be a baby Christian.  You may be a seasoned Christian.  You might understand scripture very well, and well knowledge is power.  It feels good to know Gods word.  But that can give you pride, and pride can come before a fall.  I believe God has ways, of reminding us about this.  But, you can get puffed up, and maybe not even see it.  You can get so puffed up, that you might start hitting folks upside the head, with your bible.  Don’t walk out of love….

These scriptures give a sense of what happened, and who they are….

MATTHEW 23:26 King James


Don’t act like you are better, then others, brother or sister.  Don’t do that my friends.  See, we all sin, we all come short of His glory.  We can lose patience. But what opened my eyes, is that God is patient with me.  He always has been.  Times, when I have blown it.  And had to repent, all over again.

See, our example should always be in love, as Christ was the greatest example, and to take the fruit of the Holy Spirit to heart.  By who Christ is.  And that fear of God should make us all very humble.  If you get my drift….

This scripture shows us the pride this pharisee had, when he prayed to God.  Full of pride, full of himself.  Look at it.

LUKE 18:11 King James.


See how that I am better than they are, creeped up on that Pharisee?IMG_2856.jpeg

Its easy to act like the world.  And I am a warrior for Christ, I won’t deny that.  But there are times, when one might feel so challenged, that you can puff yourself up, and think your are slaying the devil, with knowledge, but you are walking out of love….

Don’t do that.  Christ told us, that we would be known by the love.  If I don’t see the love.  I walk away.  I have met many Christians, who have actually attacked me, because I may see things differently as well.   They don’t reason with you, they won’t even budge enough to agree, to disagree.  They don’t keep the peace.  They treat you like an enemy.  And you are supposed to be brothers and sisters in Christ.  The enemy must really rejoice when he sees this.

The greatest pains, I have ever experienced, came from brothers and sisters in Christ, who I loved, but they had a Pharisee spirit, and judged me, or walked away themselves.

I just feel led to try and bring this to your attention.  Because we are not united in the body of Christ.  If Christ came now, I don’t think we are ready.  Or united.  Or even knowledgeable concerning biblical truths.

As you know, I always support the King James.  But many do not know word.

Where is the love, amongst us?

Its hard to find love.  Even though we all should be walking in love, if we have accepted Christ.  He suffered for us, and died on the cross for us.  We have to see that to appreciate who He is…He taught us to love one another. IMG_2868

There are so many who look at us, and they don’t want to have anything to do with Christianity, because they say, we are bible thumpers, or we shove our Christianity down their throats.  Yet when someone, is not knowledgeable, they don’t want to feel trapped by the Pharisee spirit.  Here they tried to do that with Jesus.


That scares me.  Maybe enough, to just try and warn you my brothers and sisters.  Now I know all situations are different and maybe I have not always walked in love myself.

I never have related this to the Prosperity messengers, but they have a Pharisee spirit here, as well…according to this scripture.

Luke 16:14 King James.  


The Pharisee spirit, will make you think you are better than others.  To me thats dangerous, and one can cross that line.

MATTHEW 9:11 King James  


Wow, that must have even shocked Jesus.

Look, we are not perfect, I know, its easy to cross that line.  I hope I have not, but I do repent myself, if I have come across with that kind of spirit.  I pray, I have not.

But, I do try…..even though grace is not always extended to me in return.  But I just have to say this….

Beware of the Pharisee Spirit.  Beware.  All we have to do is repent, and watch your love walk.  Never forget, it may make you think about forgiving others as well.  Christ always reminded us to forgive.  I forgive those who have had the Pharisee spirit, toward me.  I do.  I say it here as well.  To honor my Lord Jesus.


Hope this blesses you,


Love in Christ,


Elena Ramirez





If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do…. “HOW TO HAVE FAITH” This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS….. If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

I just want to decree this, I want to make it clear. As many of you know, I do want to speak publicly, in your church or congregation.

I have not done it in a while.  I know, God has His reasons. But something dawned on me, just now, to speak this, to publicly proclaim it.


If I am ever called to give a testimony, or to speak publicly in a church. I will not try to sell my book there. Even today, I wrote just on impulse, Gods impulse, about how Christ turned the tables, on those who changed the temple, to sell what they had.  I don’t want to be one of those Christians.

If God blesses my book, financially, in other ways, then so be it. But I will not try to peddle the word of God, or peddle my book, in His House. In His temple.

That may sound strange to some. But I don’t care. I really do only want to serve God. But if money came into the situation, somehow it would take away from the message.

I never want to compromise or let money, be the root of evil in serving God.  

Does that make sense? I don’t know, but I am proclaiming it here.

To God be the glory….


By Elena Ramirez 



If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do....

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do….
“HOW TO HAVE FAITH” This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS…..
If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

So Halloween is over.

And many of us tried and to warn you to not have anything to do with the holiday. But you did and you do not take to heart the many scriptures that warn us not do that. Even in serving candy.

What harm is that you say? Churches do it all the time. Well, let’s look at just one scripture. And let’s look at it symbolically.

“Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.”
1 Corinthians 10:21 KJV

When you serve candy in honor of this holiday. Whose table does that come from?

This is why we cannot serve from the Devils table. Because it looks like we would serve the devil.  By serving others candy, that comes from the devils table.  

We are called not to give any place to the devil! No place!  (paraphrasing) Ephesians 4:27.  King James.  

We are to submit to God. Resist the enemy and he will flee.  (paraphrasing) James 4:7.  King James.  

You see I repented because I thought there was no harm in it. But that is the deception.

And do I know exactly what the consequences of this sin is?  No, all I know, is if we truly love God, as we say we do, we don’t abuse, or take for granted His grace.

I will be honest, because I cannot speak for someone else, and the punishment, of disobeying God, except for what I see in my holy Bible, the King James bible.  

Please note:  I am adding this two days after I wrote this, as the Lord brought this scripture to me.  


But when anybody, abused scripture, and did not take to heart the consequences, of this, they paid heavily.  Salvation lost, and the wrath of God.  This is documented in my Holy King James Bible.  And we are called to fear God!

God has been so good to me.  But it is this year especially, more then ever, I see the deception of Halloween.

A process, to stop dressing up, or decorating, or even serving candy.  Last year I did not serve.  I did not open my door, I did not give place to the enemy.  One full year.

And now full circle, I feel stronger.  And I pray for forgiveness, for even being so dumb, and naive.

How I long to see, God working in my life, in my family, in my home, my finances, my health….all of it.  But I have my part in obedience. 

What blocks Gods blessings?  What makes Him stop listening to any of us?

Sin, it separates us from God.

So, you do what you want.  This season, I tried to warn many.  I tried, to show them.  Instead, I got defiance, and I got rebellious;

“Who are you to judge”?  

When I am called to warn.  You are called to warn.  This is very scriptural.  Read  Ezekiel 3 and Ezekiel 33.  We are called to warn the wicked, and the righteous, that have disobeyed.  

Sadly, the body of Christ has an identity problem in distinguishing what is judging, and what is warning someone.  

And well to go to a church that thinks this is o.k.  Is not a church I would want to go to, or have my kids go to.

Christ would not compromise. Truth. For the deception is teaching those kids, to dress up, to go to church, and to get candy, on a day that is meant for evil. And it gives the wrong message.

It gives, compromise, when they should be taught, to depart from evil.

No wonder the body of Christ is all jacked up. Because people compromise, when they should be telling someone the truth, to a child, who is so impressionable. That they reap curses. Generational curses. But no… the body of Christ thinks just on that day to invite kids, to give them a place to go, when they should just know truth, that this is wrong.

It is just wrong. I see them as well through the eyes of Christ and I know the difference between a counterfeit and the real thing. And Jesus would not compromise truth. He would not!  He would warn of the evil of it. 

How dare anybody take the devil into the house of God! How dare they pollute it, with this pagan holidays, traditions, and rituals, and sacrificing. It is blatantly insulting, to do this in the house of our Lord. And He is not mocked. Oh He is gracious, but this is His house, and it is meant to be a place of true worship, prayer, and truth. And they pollute it.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  This is also King James scriptural.

And I plead the blood of Jesus.  I cover my house with it, like in Psalms 91.

To each their own…..Repentance is a good thing to clear the slate.  

In Christ, I humbly write this….

Elena Ramirez


If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link.  My latest book.  BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST.  This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse.  But by Christ it can change into a blessing.  A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc.  And why we do some of the things we do.... "HOW TO HAVE FAITH" This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God.  Both are on SMASHWORDS..... If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do….
“HOW TO HAVE FAITH” This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS…..
If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

Stop in the name of Jesus! Stop having conversations with the devil!!!!!  

Oh you know what I am talking about!  That small inner voice, that may even try to be a voice of reason, but it comes straight from hell.  To either tell you, to do this that or the other, and to compromise, and to persuade you, you can do this and that.  

Or that voice that condemns you.  And tells you, you are worthless, or ugly, or someone is better then you, or you cannot do anything, because you are so dumb.  It attacks your sense of confidence.  And believe me, that ugly old devil, will even use people to tell you this.  Reject it!  

You know its wrong.  You know, it does not come from God Himself.  Its not love.  It is rebellious.  It denies His truth, His commandments, and yet you want to talk to that voice?  Walk away from it.  Walk away from that devil.  Why? Because it is sin. 

Rebuke it in the name of Jesus.  Christ says, you can do all things through Him, that strengthens you.  (Paraphrasing Philippians 4:13.  King James)

You see, its a spirit, and that spirit, is meant to cause destruction.  Sure you are aware of it.  Its your conscience!  

But…It is not of God, it is the enemy, the devil.  According to Jesus, and what He has warned us, that the devil, comes to kill, steal, and destroy.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:  I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  John 10:10.   

And it is meant to stop your blessings, or stop someone elses blessings, or to just stop your growth, or someone else, and its pure intent, is to stop anything that has to do with God.  But Christ said, He came to give life!  And yes, abundantly!

I cannot even write the things the purpose of the enemies goal is, because when you get so close to God, anything that is not of God, in holiness, goodness, and love, you abhor. Your spirit rejects…and you need to see that, to be close to God.  Thats a sign you are getting close to God.  And I renounce and deny even listening to that voice.  Because it is not of God.  

Even now, I suppose, I feel prompted to write this.  I just felt that sneaky, conniving voice try to tell me to compromise something, that I long for, in Christ.  And that if I let go of one thing, I would not gain, in another area.  And I thought to myself, that comes straight from the devil.  I don’t have to make deals.  I don’t have to compromise, I don’t have to give into one negative thought for another.  NO!  I rebuke that, in the name of Jesus.   I plead the blood of Jesus, over my mind, and spirit.  I will not give place to the enemy.  In anything, for I know my fathers voice.  And to another I will not follow.  

The bottom line for me, anyway, is the will of God to be done.  As Christ as the example.  He is my source to identify with.  And in my situation.  And in what I desire.  And in what I need.  He can make a way, when there was no way.  And if its not meant to be, then so be it!  I accept that in love, and humbleness before my God.  

My love to God is not dependent on what He does for me in this, and really anything else.  Why?  Because He found me, He saved me, and pulled me out of the miry clay.  He put me on a rock higher.  He loved me, He cleansed my soul. He comforted me.  He poured oil on my head, and like that lamb He protected me.  And He still does!

But, no the enemy, keeps saying well you could do this, and that…but no, I reject that.  I reject it, because I do want to see God glorified, in my circumstances.  I do want to see Him, do a great and mighty thing.  But I realize, He tests us.  And He tests us to see if we are true and loyal.  

And when we try to do it ourselves, that takes away the power, we need to give God in submission.  Comprende?  Look, all I know is that we have to grow.  We have to know our Lords voice.  We have to submit to God.  We have to know our Lord, and not give place to His enemy.  

So that means, study Gods truth, from a good King James Holy word.  No other bible, is holy.  Honestly.  They are corrupted, in their purity, and here again, where else would the devil try to deceive but by changing the Holy word of God?  So you won’t get a blessing, so you won’t know God personally.  

Pray, draw close to God.  Stay away from anything that compromises your walk with Him.  Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee. Read King James 4:7.    

Your not perfect no, neither am I, but to be close to God.  To receive His truth, and favor, and love, is the greatest gift we can have.  And you don’t want to even lose that by talking to the enemy, by compromising, what Christ did for you and me.  

We have to know our enemy, we have to know his strategy.  We have to know his characteristic, and personality traits.  And whenever I see a liar, or a pride that wants to get all the glory, I know that is not of God.  

And I certainly do not want that trait.  When I see, deception, or compromise, or confusion, that is not of God.  

Look, we are paying the cost, for sin, because we all sin, we all come short of the glory of God.  Only Jesus Christ, our dear Lord, and savior, can save us from that penalty.  

But don’t forget how it came. Don’t forget how sin came.  It came by the devil, turning into a snake, and deceiving Eve.  She talked to that devil!  

Remember the lessons of this.  What would have happened if she went and rejected the devil and talked to God?  We all know God, would have told her the truth, don’t eat from the tree of good and evil.  Same thing holds true for now.  Don’t compromise your walk with God.  Don’t seek other entities!  Give yourself completely to God, and learn His ways, not the ways of evil.  The wages of sin is death.  

And while we are talking about that, watch out for that movement of “grace” versus the law…. It actually distorts what Paul the apostle said, and we are not free from the law!  Some people think that is an excuse to sin.  God did not flip flop when He gave us His commandments.  We are only free from the law of sin, and death.  Romans 8;2.  In Christ.  

Don’t talk to that ugly old devil.  Rebuke him.  He is not looking out for your good, if anything he wants to steal your soul, and deceive you, and confuse you.  And folks, sin will do that.  

Remember we have power of life and death in our tongues, and we eat the fruit of that.  (paraphrasing Proverbs 18:21 ~ read from a King James)  So don’t even speak that over yourself as well.  

Just think if Eve had only rebuked him, and gone to God, and talked to Him, the curse would not have taken place.  Be aware of curses.  Be aware, that if you rebuke the devil, you will be blessed.  Because you are being obedient to God.  

Don’t talk to the enemy.  Don’t entertain his wicked devices, submit to God, and be saved from being snared.  This advice is for all of us.  Don’t talk to the devil.  Be obedient to God!

Talk to God.  Know Him, He is the greatest friend, you will, ever, ever, ever have.  Know His love, by His voice.  

Dear friend, I understand, how sometimes we feel beat up in life.  I understand, how even by being around negative people they can make you feel worthless, and that sense of self confidence is gone.  I understand….I truly do.  But, I had to seek God, I had to find my way with Him, and it is in this journey of my own life, I have found Christ, and I have found a peace.  There is no peace to the wicked.  Your life can be a success.  Your life, can change.  But stop talking to that devil.  

And just like Jesus said…. tell that ugly old devil….Get thee behind me satan.  God has my front, back, sides covered, and I will not listen to you.  If anything you have to submit to me, by who I am in Christ.  And I want you out of anything, that has to do with me.  I plead the blood of Jesus!  Be gone, in the name of Jesus!  




Blessings, Elena Ramirez


THE SPIRIT OF ANGER ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link.  My latest book.  BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST.  This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse.  But by Christ it can change into a blessing.  A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc.  And why we do some of the things we do.... "HOW TO HAVE FAITH" This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God.  Bot are on SMASHWORDS..... If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do….
“HOW TO HAVE FAITH” This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Bot are on SMASHWORDS…..
If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

The spirit of anger.  It can be caught like a cold, and you may not even know you have it.  It can erupt at any time, and cause total devastation, and not only hurt you, but hurt others.

Its like a volcano, brewing, steaming, and if not watched, nipped, and put to rest, it can destroy lives.  

I write about it, because you know sometimes, we don’t really know what we are capable of, when angry.  I write about it, because I have seen it hurt myself, and others, and I lived in a household as I grew up, where anger was evident now and then.  

This post is not to criticize anyone, or make anyone feel bad, but to be honest, I just sense how the enemy of God, does use anger, and provokes people to do things, they would never want to do, or to have done to them.  Yet, many do.

They give into anger.  And I want to talk about it, as a spirit, because I truly believe there are many other different spirits, that we can be mindful of, and this particular one, is meant to destroy.  

We always have to know where things come froem, to get to the root of something.  And the enemy of God, the devil, is known to kill, steal, and destroy.  He wants to steal the destiny God has for you, and destroy that purpose, and anger can be used to do that.  Our jails are filled with angry people.  

But if one can know in advance, recognize it, as a spirit, and take God at His word, I believe, they can stop that anger, they can curve it, into energy, as a spirit, to do good things.  

Now mind you, righteous indignation, that may be considered anger, can benefit some, and can bring a purpose for a wrong doing.  But you have to see, and know what God says about everything, and we are warned to be careful not to be angry.

You are the one who has to rule this spirit.  

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.  Proverbs 16:32.  KJV. 

Have you ever gotten angry, at someone right before bedtime, and not resolved a situation?  We are told, to not let the sun set on our anger.  This scripture tells us that, and I also believe it affects our emotional, and physical health.  

It is best if we can make peace with whoever has angered us, and not to give into that anger, in our time of rest.  

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.  Ephesians 4:26 KJV.

We are told not to make friends with angry people.  Look, we all have moments where we want to vent, and its good to have a friend who understands.  But something about anger, it is contagious, and if you value your peace of mind, be aware of angry people, and steer away from them.  They can influence you, and also get you in trouble.  

Sometimes, though its hard, you don’t know this that it affects you, but you see the fruit, and some people need to know especially that anger is not a fruit of the spirit.  Which I recommend you look up yourself.  In a good King James bible.  As Christians we are to follow this sense of instruction, in the fruit of the spirit, for our own spirits to bear fruit in Christ.    

But here in this scripture is the warning:

Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go.  Proverbs 22:24.  

Ever noticed that an angry person, instigates, or tries to cause problems as well?

An angry man stirreth up strife, and a curious man aboundeth in transgression.  Proverbs 29:22.

As Christians we are called to have the spirit of Christ, by the Holy Spirit, to love one another, and to have self-control.  

Yes, even Christ got angry, and I admire, His anger when He overthrew the tables at the temple.  For He saw, how this place was used to make money, and not for prayer.  And yes, one could say it was extreme.  But no one got hurt, and no one, was a target of His anger.  

Even when He was in the garden and the disciple cut the ear off of the soldier, He used His healing authority, and power to restore the soldiers ear.  He could have had angels at His calling, He could have done angry things, in that moment, but our God is so much greater then that.  So we are called to have self-control.  We are called to love, we are called, to not give into anger.    

The following scripture, also talks about how we are to have self-control:

For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God, not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre.  Titus 1:7.  

I want to encourage you, perhaps, you have just come across this post, by curiosity, or it is a problem, God can turn it around.  

He can give you peace, in situations, that normally would bring anger out in you.  But you have to bring it to the obedience of Christ.  If you have not given Christ your heart, now would be a great time, to make it right with Christ.  Give Him your anger, and repent, give your heart to Him.  Tell Him, to change your heart.    

You have to let His spirit, rule your heart, you have to repent.  You have to be aware of this spirit, and make the attempt to make it right.  It can be done, I know.  Behaviors, that can bring curses, can be changed by Christ.  I understand this spirit of anger, but I myself had to bring it to Christ, to change me and He has.    

I write about it in my book.  Feel free to check out the link, in the photo above and I pray, God bless you, if you have anger.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7. 

Blessings, and love in Christ,   Elena Ramirez





True faith, comes from God, and He gave us His word.  His true word the King James.  Read more, in my book, why I promote the King James Bible, for your own faith....  new lower prices.

True faith, comes from God, and He gave us His word. His true word the King James. Read more, in my book, why I promote the King James Bible, for your own faith…. new lower prices.

Dear Friends, in Christ,

I write this as a letter, but as one of my posts, I want to encourage you, to pray, and write the word of God, from the King James Bible.  And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.  Deuteronomy 6:9.

I specify the King James scriptures, because I truly believe the anointing, and holiness, are in these Bible verses.  There are so many compromises to scripture, that the anointing is gone I believe from these other versions.  And I know this is very controversial to some, who are searching for understanding.  But, when you take a scripture, that was originally based on the King James scripture, and convert it, something is lost there, and I do believe it is the holiness, and the anointing.  Remember the King James has been preserved for 400 years.  The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.  Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, Thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.   Psalm 12:6-7.

Changing it turns into part truth, and part lie.  Remember what God says and in so many scriptures.  TO THE LAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY: IF THEY SPEAK NOT ACCORDING TO THIS WORD, IT IS BECAUSE THERE IS NO LIGHT IN THEM.  ISAIAH 8:20.  

I do look at that.  And in this time and place of my ministry, I am a truth seeker.  I look at the fruit of ministries, I have grown that much.  I don’t take their word for it.  I take the true word of God, to validate truth.  I see so many compromising truth, that there are many ministries I won’t support, nor will I advocate to others, and in fact, I run from them.

Think of these words, from God, and know the truth….II Timothy 4:2-5  Preach the word be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves, teachers having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and they shall be turned unto fables.  But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.  

Now, I just sense, that there are so many out there, who love God, and want to please God, and yet they need the power of scripture to build a foundation.  When you share word, King James scripture, there is an anointing, that speaks for itself.  So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:  it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  Isaiah 55:11

One thing people can say about me, is for the most part, whenever I have a thought, I build that thought with a King James scripture.  I give that as a foundation.  Because lets be honest, without it, I would be like any other minister or pastor, who does not.  Look around, and see, that many do not share scripture, and without that, its just meaningless, our thoughts, without a foundation.  This separates us from wolves in sheeps clothing.

And I am not just talking about listing a scripture reference, I am talking about writing the entire verse out.  Doing this, sharpens your sword of truth, as well.  But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?  John 5:47.  

If you want to be set apart to do the “true” work of God, you need to do some research.  If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.  I Corinthians 14:37.

You need to get a good concordance, that supports a King James Bible, and take the time, to look the scripture up, to add to your thought, and to build a foundation.  And in this time of technology, get a good King James Bible app.

This is time consuming.  I won’t deny that.  But as Christians, we cannot get lazy, nor passive, if we really do want to make a difference for God.  You need to start writing your thoughts out, with the Holy word of God, to support, your thoughts, that God will give you.  Even if you just search for a scripture, and write it on your social media pages, you are changing the spiritual realm, with Gods holy word.  Don’t let the world dictate to you this is wrong.  Whose report will you believe in?Who hath believed our report?  and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?  Isaiah 53:1

As you do that, you are bringing light, to a dark world.  You are bringing truth, and no one can deny the word of God.  No matter what anybody says…the word stands on it’s own, and cannot be shaken.  It is truth.  Let not mercy and truth forsake thee:  bind them about thy neck:  write them upon the table of thine heart.  Proverbs 3:3

And if you need answers to prayer, same thing.  Look up a scripture for your need.  Don’t get lazy in this.  For healing, finances, etc.  Studying the word of God, will stick with you, and you may not remember every single word.  But it will kick in.  We are to “pray without ceasing”….I Thessalonians 5:17.  For it is sanctified by the word of God, and prayer.  I Timothy 4:5.  And God will honor his word.

Yes, I do recommend trying to memorize scripture, but when you pray the word of God, when you write it, when you memorize it, you have a foundation for your own needs.  When you write it, the truth is you are sowing the word!  The sower soweth the word.  Mark 4:14.

I am so surprised, myself, that I have done this, but it comes to me, it gives me discernment, it gives me understanding, it connects me with the Holy Spirit, to know truth.  And in this, I give glory and praise to God, for He guides my life.  I have been writing for years, but He taught me that from the beginning.  Stablish Thy word unto Thy servant, who is devoted to Thy fear.  Psalm 119:38.  And yes, I do fear God.  It is health and life….The fear of the Lord tendeth to life:  and he that hath it shall abide satisfed: he shall not be visited with evil.  Proverbs 19:23.

If you want to be different in your ministry, and just as a Christian, start doing this now, and very soon, you will grow.  I do have a faith, and trust in God, that at this point of my life, I see the fruit of it.  I see, that with God all things are possible.  And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.  Luke 18;27.

That does so very much for my faith.  I understand my Lord, in so many ways.  And there are things, I may not understand, but I know, that I know God is a holy God, and He has his ways, His principles, His truth.  Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be Holy: for I the Lord your God am holy.  Leviticus 19:2

I wrote in my last post, that yes, God is legalistic.  We have to know His heart in such matters.  Sloppy religion, grace based only on one part of doctrine, will not cut it.  You need the truth, and I hope, this post, of a letter, will encourage you, to write and pray Holy scripture from the King James Bible, so you can grow.  And afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessings and the cursings, according to all that is written in the book of the law.  Joshua 8:34.

So you can make a difference to a world, that so needs Jesus Christ.  Please remember this and apply it, begin…. Finally my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.  To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.  Philippians 3:1.  

Do it because of your own salvation.  I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord, and thy law is my delight.  Psalm 119:174.

And with this last thought from God, as you finish reading this….remember this promise from God.  For it is a promise.  Let someone see you writing His word.  Let someone, who needs a promise from your own writings, let them see the promise from God.  More then anything, yes anything, let God see you writing His word!

You can make a difference for yourself, and for someone else, as you write and pray the Holy word of God….Share this post, as a start….


Much love, in Christ, with His thoughts….Elena Ramirez

STOP FAMILY DISAGREEMENTS~By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Life can be short, or it can be long….God has our lives in His hands.  What are we going to do with it?  Some day the Book of life, will be opened, and will we find our names in the Lambs Book of life?  We never know when life will end.  So we have to try do things right in this time, we are given…..To get right with God in our salvation.  And to get right with people.

For, one never knows.  I am an adult woman, I have been around the block a few times.  But I cherish, the life, God has given me.  I cherish my family.  I cherish my friends.  I cherish, the gifts God has given me.  I have been reflecting even now, how grateful to God I am.  I am thankful, for all my blessings, and right now I just want to get close to God.  I want to praise and worship him, in spirit, and truth.  But one cannot do that, if they are mad at someone or unforgiving.  You can’t it blocks, the love.  And God is love, so we have to do what we have to do, according to His word, to unblock that love.  If something is hindering it.

I have learned a lot, and pray to keep learning.  Maybe that’s why I write.  To sort out my feelings, to bring some perspective, to things, I go through, that I have learned in life.

I am blessed to have my immediate family.  But, I did not always have a sense of family.

I was raised, by my mother.  And I want to say here, before I go any further.  I loved my mother.  I honor her, more then ever.  As being a source of life, God used to bring me in this world.

But….we did not always get along.  I was day, she was night.  Her and my father, were divorced, when I was just a baby.  So, I did not grow up with the unity, of a father and a mother.  Though, my father, was in my life, here and there.

But, I always longed for a family.  And that was not fulfilled, till I was older.  I have a few family relations, not much.  From my father, and my mothers side.

But to be honest, the relationship with them is practically dissolved.  I never got very close to those on my fathers side.  But, on my mothers side, I have tried to keep communication open, with my mothers brothers children.  My cousins.  They have tried to.  I love them.

Recently, I had a bit of a tiff, with one of my cousins.  It was so trivial.  And in many ways, it was not even a tiff.  It was basically a misunderstanding.  No mean words were said.  I believe she forgave me as I forgave her.  But there still was that sense, of a loss of communication.  Yet, things spilled over, that probably should not have.  And I take responsibility for my part.  But people also have to be accountable as well.  In grace, we extend love, and love covers a multitude of sins.  If they cannot be accountable. Because family, is family.  We only get one blood family.  And that through Christ.

But it reminded me, of my past.  It reminded me of my mother, it reminded me, that the devil, wants to destroy families. He wants to break up the love, and the unity in families.  He comes to kill, steal and destroy.  Thats his job, so we have to be on guard.  We have to be aware of his devices, and unforgiving, is something he uses over, any of us who are not aware. He wants to divide family members. Ahhh, but the good news is Christ came to give life, and more abundantly.  So we have a weapon against the enemy.

I never want to see division like that in my family ever again.  By the blood of Jesus.

I thank God my immediate family, is built on the foundation, of Gods love.  He is first as our foundation.  His word, His truth, (KJV) His commandments, His love, etc.  That is what brings our unity.  For the Ramirez family is in unity.  We respect each other.  We honor each other.  I honor my husband as the head of our household.  He honors me as his wife.  We taught this to our son as well.  That family honors one another.  You can have friends, but family is first.

We do not let arguments, or disagreements, get in the way, of the flow of our family.  We forgive.  If we have a disagreement, and we do, sometimes, but we do not let it turn into any kind of resentment.  We do not go away from each other, angry.  And I pray, by the blood of Jesus, we never do.  But we have to be on guard, to situations, like this, where the enemy, wants to dominate.  We have to be on guard, to the deceptiveness of a situation.

But, when I detected this little misunderstanding, with my cousin, which I will not get into all the details…  I sensed, how the enemy, divides.  I love my little cousin.  I know she probably loves me too.  But I had to try and share with her….

But, it just reminded me, that life is not promised to anyone.  And when family, has misunderstandings, and arguments, and they walk away from one another.  Did you know, we are giving place to the devil in that?  We are to submit to God, resist, the devil, and he will flee.  We are to be love, for God is love.

I have heard many stories, being in ministry, about people who have loved each other, and some argument, or whatever happened, and people pass away, but there were regrets.  An argument, something so petty, divided them, from their family members.  I can relate to this.  For I myself, have had regrets in love.  With my mother.

I just wish, I could have given her flowers, while she was alive.  Not when she is dead.  Not with regrets.  And there were plenty believe me.  We never got over that hump.  There was resentment.  But I loved her.  But she is dead and gone…And I wonder if she knew I loved her.  Not knowing, if she ever knew, how much I loved her. It, hurts me even now. As I think about it.  But there was always this sense of a wall.  And I could never reach her.

You know, people have their personalities.  Some are stubborn, some express things differently, but we are to respect one another, and love one another.  I felt sad, after I had this little tiff, with my cousin.  And I said somethings to her, not that I regret.  But that had to be said.  Maybe even because I am older, then her, by many years.  I may have done it, out of my own pain.  But I did it because enough of the devil breaking up our family.  I told her things…Because I love her, and I see how the enemy divides.  I see how he wants to break up families.  I wanted to warn her in love, for us not to get touchy with one another.  But it did not come out well.  I even said some things, that had a deeper sense of my own loss.  My own feelings.

But, the timing…..I believe it was for a reason….Gods reasons.

Have you ever thought, or seen the vision, of your Loved ones all being saved.  Through Jesus Christ?  I do, even as I write this.  I want all of my family, to be in heaven, united, when we meet.  Again…..The devil wants to stop that.  He does not want that!  But if you are saved, you can save another family member.  You can stop the devil.  You just have to believe, in Love.  You just have to believe, that your effort, that your gift of love, will have a domino affect, and save, one family member, and then another.  Your family, can be restored, and thats what I pray for my own family…..

I just pray, we can get back on track and communicate in love, again.  But it will take both of us to work at it.  But it just reminded me.  Of how short life is.  You know flowers are beautiful.  But, if your gonna send me flowers, don’t send them when I am dead.  Send them when I am alive.  And send me a rose bush.  One that is alive, so I can see the love growing.  We have to see that in each other.

And for the record, right now, I am not asking for anybody to send me flowers.  Even from my sweet little cousin.  But do you know what I mean?

Send love, while the time is available to love. Send someone flowers, to be an expression of love.  Send a live plant, in the symbolism, that your love is alive.  Make up with people.  Forgive.  Stop the plan of the devil. Try, don’t give up on love!

We cannot have regrets. If we try to resolve situations.  If we give no place to the enemy.  Then we are doing our part, we are being obedient to God.  We have to see the love in each other.  We have to all keep growing with Christ.  On that vine, that he has called us to be on.  Family is first.  Loyalty to family, should always be a priority.  Family, is blood.  We should never write off a family member.

I implore people here.  Do not have any regrets.  Do what you have to do, to make amends with your family members.  And even friends if thats the case.  But I am more focused here on family.  Because family is blood.  Blood unites us in Christ.  It is symbolic, to the structure.  God is father, then there is mother, and then there is brothers and sisters etc.  We cannot let the devil interfere with the family.  Sometimes, we have to accept each other.  Just the way that person is.  Agree to disagree.  But don’t let the devil steal your families love.  That God intended to grow.

Let go of that pride, that ugly characteristic of the devil!  BEWARE!

Send flowers now, while that person is alive, and send them a rose bush, send life….send them a plant…..with love, so they can see the love growing.  So they can know your love has not stopped growing….

Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift.  Matthew 5:24. 

And more then anything, so God can see the love.  You don’t want regrets, when you, yourself, has to stand before God.  Send the love now….send life.  Send Christ with that plant, for He has come to give us all life, and life abundantly now!

For it really does not matter who was right or wrong.  It does not matter, what the problem was.  You have to be mature in Christ.  In the sense, that if you let God take care of it, by giving Love, to that person, He will take care of it.  That which the devil intended for evil.  God will turn it around and make it good, and right!

Blessings, and love,

Just my thoughts….

Elena Ramirez


Father, I praise you, I love you, I thank you abba Father, that you are my Lord.  That you have a plan, even from years ago, and this photo was taken by my baby cousin.  Lord, I pray, just restore ALL of my family.  To you.  To each other.  I pray, forgiveness, and grace would be extended. I pray, that we would learn how to bind the enemy, by extending love.  It might not even be appreciated at first.  But it plants a seed.  It grows.  It can grow, but it must be”alive” from you, by Christ.  It is symbolic, that it must be something alive, to express, the love now.  Not later, no regrets.  I bind regrets.  From my own family.  Restore all of my family.  And I extend this rose, without thorns.  For the thorns, were received in your crown my Lord Jesus, and you break the curse.  Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice.  To save me, to save my family.  In Jesus name.  Amen



Jesus is real to me.  He is as real, as the touch of this keyboard.  When I think of Jesus, I see Him, in His compassion, in His love, for others.  In His healing power.  In who He was and IS as the Son of God.

Bringing truth, bringing revelation, bringing understanding.  Bringing Himself to the cross, for my sins.  Setting me free.  For He has set me free.  Yes, I see Jesus, and He is real to me.

And thats what I am trying to do, be real, to God, and others.  But, I must discipline myself, as His disciple, as well.  I must in reality, be real, to His supernatural abilities.

That comes from the spirit.  Of the reality, of who He is.

No, we cannot see spirit, spirit is felt.  Spirit knows, either by good or evil.  I know good, by Jesus.  I know, evil, by who the devil is.  I choose to be real, with God, who is good, and depart from evil.  I worship God, in spirit, and truth.  John 4:24.  That is how, I show myself real to God.  Because He knows.  He is the way, the truth, and life.  He knows…..

And I know, that I know, He knows.  I know Jesus, I call Him friend, among many things.  But He is the King, of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and there is none like Him.  There is no one like Jesus….He is love.  I am so glad I know this.  With all my heart…

Sometimes, we as flesh, and blood, can know, our faults, and our strengths.

And if the wisdom, of God is there, one can see the difference.

Sometimes, people, hide their flaws, and try to embellish, more, out of a situation, to try and make themselves more appealing to others.

The thing with that, though, is it somehow or another, cannot be hidden, because God knows.  So because God knows me, inside and out.  I have to admit, why waste the time, lying, to myself, or to others, to give a false impression?  It is a waste of time.  And it reminds me of the devil.  Because He is a liar.  So, I don’t like that characteristic.  Nor do I want to play games, when the truth, is the truth.

Do, I go around, telling everyone, my faults, or even past sins?  Because it is truth.  No.  Some things, just cannot be said, but God knows.

But, in all honesty, sometimes, when a door is opened, or the timing is right, I have been known to confess, my faults.  To admit, my wrong doing, and yes, even “right doing” in a situation.  Because it becomes a testimony.  To bring light.  To bring understanding, to bring insight, and to bring compassion, for someone, if I have gone through this, or that.

But, I do not try to make myself, to be someone, I am not.  The truth of the matter is I have had some issues, in life, that I would never wish that on my own worst enemy.  Nor would I want to go through some of the things, I have, ever again.  It has humbled me.

Even though, I know the results of these things, has built character, integrity, perhaps strength, and even wisdom, to seek God.  And because of that, I have learned, to stay on the “straight and narrow” path.  I hate what sin, or even poor judgment, has done in my life.  So, I am cautious, to say the least.

Yet, I still have made mistakes.  And probably will, in my lifetime.  In judgment in things, where I have had to grow, to see the error of my ways.  Sometimes, one may grow from their mistakes.  And sometimes, some, will continue to do what they have, and will not grow.

I always, like to see progress in my life.  When I was younger, and I smoked for example, I saw, how smoking controlled me.  I did not like that.  So, I always like to  have goals, in my spiritual growth, but also in my personal life.  I want to be successful.

I am not content, just letting the grass grow and I am not trying to figure out how, to grow myself, or to be a solution, to a problem.  I suppose, thats why, I so, love writing, serving God in this capacity.

When I think of where I could be now, I don’t think it would be a very pretty picture, without God.  Because it was not pretty, when I was without him, in my past.

Being real, to God, myself, and others, sometimes, means I have to admit, I have made mistakes.  It also means, I cannot judge others, because we all have issues, in life.  Unless, someone has walked in someones, shoes, its hard, to understand, why a person, is the way, they are.

Yet, we have the example of Christ.  And He understood, and He loved us all anyway.  He is the example I want to aspire to be.  In love and truth.  I am not perfect as He is.  But He teaches me, and yes, I do try to imitate Him.  But, I am so far from it, but thats what life, is about.  Daily, trying to grow, daily seeking Him, for that wisdom.  Daily repenting, daily, trying to get to that place, in prayer, and by His word, that discernment, can be evident.

And if anything, the greatest gift, He has given me, is my Salvation, by what He did on the cross.  I know, I believe, and I have made Christ my Lord, and savior, so when I leave this earth, I know there is a place in heaven for me.  I don’t think many people know that, but they could, if they just called on the name of Jesus.

Wisdom.  My relationship with Christ, is for me.  It is the most precious, and blessed gift, I have.  His assurance.  His truth, His word.  But me, as a person, who is daily trying to survive….I can only pray to thrive.

Yet, I know, I have a lot of odds against me.  I could even name them.  But, to be honest, I don’t think that is necessary right now.  Something, about being positive, about oneself, and with others, gives grace.  It gives, understanding, not in an arrogant way, but because of Christ I can be positive.  I can honestly say, I see, the difference.  For I see Gods power.  I do not always have to know how.  But I know God, who does know how.

All I know, is more then anything, and I say this, trusting, God, as a child.  But, if God is for me, I know, He can make a way.  He can help me, get to that point, where not only will I bring glory to God, in this, but, I can grow, to be the best, that I can be, because of Him.  Within me, and with me.  For me, and for others.

Being real, to God and others….Not playing games, not hiding the truth, to make myself, something more then what I am not.  But being honest in the sense, to say, I am not perfect.  Far from it.  No matter, how much, I try, or used to try, there are things, about myself, that may never change.

But, if God uses anything, or every thing, I have gone through, and it brings glory to Him.  If it helps others, if it inspires others, to seek God, then I pray, my life, will reflect honesty and truth.  Love, real Love.  To be real, to Him, and others.

Because the truth of the matter, is its not about me.  Its about Jesus, and what He did for ALL of us.  This is whats really, real…..

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.  Ephesians 4:15

Just my thoughts, with love, Elena Ramirez

My Prayer of Hope,

Lord, thank you, for everything, use me, for your glory.  May I always be reminded to speak, and do things in love, and truth.  For your glory.  Thank you Lord, for showing me the difference, in my life.  To you, and others.  In Jesus name.  Amen



ARE YOU THROWING STONES? OR LOVING? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

I want to build a foundation, as I write “Just My Thoughts.”  So, with that thought in mind…we know, Jesus Christ is the cornerstone, of our faith.

Everything, we are, in him, is built on the foundation of who He is.  And as we grow, we grow in all of His attributes, personality, authority, and beauty, of who He is.

First and foremost, Jesus is love.  And if we are truly, Christians, love, will be evident in who we are in him.

God is love, and so we need to be completely, submitted to that love.

I John 4:7-8 Beloved let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.  He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. King James. 

We must be aware, of our actions, our fruit, the appearance, of what is seen by God, and others.  So we must constantly, be working on that love, and letting Christ rule, as the foundation.

Yesterday, I went to church, and there was a guest speaker there.  And this gentleman, gave basically a message, about being “consistent” in whatever you do for God.  To keep practicing, and doing whatever it is that you do.  He gave an example of Billy Graham.  And how Billy Grahams Sunday school teacher taught him, and inspired him.  And well, the rest is history, Billy Graham is one of the most beloved, well respected, and admirable, people of God, who has made an affect for the Kingdom of God.  He is a soul winner.

And this message so inspired me.  Because I want to be a soul winner.  I want to do great things for God.  And I want God to get glory in what I do, so I know, I need to be consistent, in many things.

But as I prayed, last night, I prayed, a small prayer, Lord, just help me to be “consistent.”  And the first thing, I felt the Lord speak to me this morning, is that I need to be consistent, in my love walk.  Walking in love with others.  Walking in love….

You see, this is a hard thing for me, on my own, in the natural.  Because I did not have love growing up.  Sure, I am sure my mom loved me.  But I did not have a “loving” family foundation.  Her and my father were divorced.  And when I grew up, I grew up fighting.  Fighting to survive, and sometimes just fighting.  Instigating, a fight.  A lot of times fighting with my mom.  So, for the most part, and maybe even some of my school friends remember this about me, I was in a lot of fights.  Not able to get along with people.  Sometimes, just defending myself, because of the environment, but it was so very prevalent.  Even in the business world.

So when I became a Christian, God became working on that with me.  I can successfully say, even after almost 25 years of marriage, and love, between me and my husband, and son, I walk the walk of love.  But God is the foundation of our marriage.  We married in holiness.  We made a covenant, that will not be broken, until death do us part.  God, our Lord, Jesus is the cornerstone, of our marriage.

So, I have learned, not to cast stones.  Not to bring up things, that hurt, or push peoples buttons, or to start a fight….If someone gets me angry, and I do get angry sometimes, but what I learned is, to let Christ be the spirit, that rules my heart.   I have learned to be consistent, in this love, no matter what…..

I just want to encourage you.  Being consistent, in love, should be in the forefront of our minds, souls, and spirit.  It does not come by osmosis.  But by Christ.  By letting Christ and his Holy spirit, guide us, to do and think all in love.  To learn, to walk away from an argument, or confrontation, and let love rule.  To let love, cover a multitude of sins.  For love never fails.  To agree, to even disagree in love.  To not argue, about doctrine, or the ways of the law, God, or whatever, because love, needs to be prevalent. To not pound anything anything in anybody, but to let love….Let God.

I know, this is something, I have to work at, but you know, what…?  I want to be consistent in this.  I want to be an expert, at love.  I want to do everything, that pleases my Lord, because of his great sacrifice.  The other day, I wrote, briefly, that when someone, displeases me, or angers me, or the devil is trying to get me to be resentful, I remember, what Christ did for me, and that he forgave me.  If he forgave me, I can forgive that person too.  Because he died for that person too.  And more then anything, He loves that person.

With a thought like that, I cannot throw stones.  I must continue on my walk with Christ in love.  I must be consistent, in love…

Just my thoughts, in love….

Elena Ramirez

A Prayer of Honor and Hope

Father, I praise you, and ask for guidance, and wisdom, and more then anything love.  Love to walk in life, with you and with others.  Love, that will not cast stones.  But love, that will remind me, and others, that you my Christ, are my Lord, and savior.  To walk away from disagreements, to not stir up strife, to not be an instigator, to know the difference, between love, and the fiery darts, the enemy tries to throw at me, to get out of my love walk.  Father, pour your love in my spirit, by your word, your compassion, your mercy, and all that is holy, that reminds me, of how great your love is.  Thank you Lord, for your love, that surpasses all of my understanding, but that is prevalent in my heart.  For you love, me, with a love, I cannot put into words, but all I can say, is thank you, and I want to show and share this love, that you give.  In my own way, giving back what you have given me.  Love.  In Jesus name.  Amen


God bless you, as you share this, and share LOVE……

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Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

 All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

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I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.

I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

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Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

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and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!

SHOW LOVE WHEN SOMEONE DOES NOT ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

I used to be so adamant about making my point, and trying to enforce it. No longer do I do that. I have a pretty strong willed personality as it is. But Christs love, teaches me, to be humble, to be sweet, and to express love, especially when someone does not agree with me.

And it just made me think, because we are called to love one another. But what better time, is love really needed? But when you do not agree with someone.

I wish I had that, growing up. To be able to agree, to disagree, even to negotiate, or to resolve issues. I did not have it. So, it did take its toll on some of my relationships….But not anymore.

For, I have learned, through Christ, because we are all on the vine, at different places, that love really has to be front and center of my heart, mind, and spirit. It keeps me balanced. It keeps me strong. It keeps bitterness out of my heart. Petty arguments, are not worth, losing my joy, or losing, the blessings, that love brings. I do realize, that I am not always right. I do realize, even with those, I converse with, as Christians, we do not always see eye to eye. People have different, experiences, different, views, and sometimes, we cannot always come to an agreement, even concerning Gods word. Which is sad.

Now I will be clear here, that I do not compromise, who I am in Christ. Or His word, or truth. But, I can do it, in love.

But, what should remain, evident, in the sight of God, and even that old ugly devil, who wants to steal your blessings, is love, that should be evident. As Christ taught us. And because of who He is. His sacrifice, and demonstration of love, was the greatest example.

No matter what. Hold onto that love, so you can shake off the insults, shake off, the hurt, shake off, what the enemy is trying to do, and that is get you out of love. Because he wants to steal the blessings God has for you.

Its hard, but with practice, and Christ it can be done. I know….Blessings, and much love, Let us walk in love, and not in the flesh, but in the spirit of Christ. In truth….And in everything we do, with believers and non-believers, so Christ can be seen in us. Let love show, especially, when someone does not agree with you.


I JOHN 3:18  King James. 


Father, how I pray, you help me, and the reader to display love, in all situations.  To not be touchy, or moody, to express the love of Christ, in all situations.  Thank you, Lord, In Jesus name.  Amen 


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Prayer of God Ministries….

The Best of God (A Testimony) This is a testimony of how God answered my prayer in Florida, by a sweet and beautiful way.  I hope it blesses you.

Elena Ramirez Prayer of God Ministries.

All prayer requests, comments, and feedback is appreciated.  If you would like to subscribe, you may do so, at the blog.  This will ensure that you will receive them and will help me manage, and keep your e-mail address, safe from spammers. Etc.

I am seeking employment to write for your newsletter, blog or newspaper.

If you would like more information, please contact me at

You may also find more of my links, and information at the top link, of this blog, that gives my mission statement.

I pray Numbers 6:24-26 for you.

Please check out my web page of Daily Bible Stories.  Blessed by a ministry that provides this.

Click this link.

I invite you, to check out this link if you need to go to the throne, and make it right with God.

The prayer I have written is the basic sinners prayer….I encourage you to read it, and pray it.

God loves you, and it is so important that we are right with God, because we never know, when he will take our lives….Be ready, and prepared.  Pray this prayer….

Prayer Of Salvation

If ever doing a word search for my Prayers of Hope, here at

Check out, the key word of:  “Prayers of Hope.”  Or search here, on my blog.

Elena’s other blogs to check out…..

Please Sign up for your subscription today on each one….

and be blessed….God loves you, so do I!!